My WOW week last week!
Last week, John and I went out of town. John's job ended May 1, and he wanted to go on a vacation for a few days to get away from the stress that he'd been under with work. His company went to "common systems" and elimanated their IT/IS department.
Anyway, Tuesday, I had new pictures taken for my Bank of America debit card since people had begun to question if the card was really mine! I got the new cards, and the pictures are definately different!
We left Tuesday and got on a cruise ship headed for Vancouver, BC. I was so surprised to find that my life jacket FIT at the lifeboat drill. I even had about 12" of srap to tuck in after fastening the buckle! The last time we were on a ship just before surgery, the strap barely fit, and last September, it was a struggle to fasten the thing! The pictures that were taken on the ship were amazing -- John couldn't find them because he couldn't recognize me in the pictures! After 25 years, he couldn't spot me in the pictures! LOL
Once we arrived in Vancouver, we had to take a bus to Seattle. I hate taking buses, because I could never fit on the seat! I would crowd my sweet dh out of his seat, and it was very uncomfortable for both of us. Well, we both fit in the seat just fine, and we were able to put down the arm rest on the aisle side of the seat. Neither one of us felt crowded or uncomfortable! YAY
The biggest moment had to be getting on the flight home from Seattle. I really didn't want the seatbelt extension, and guess what?!?!? The seat belt CLICKED, and I didn't need the extension! YAY again!
I also felt like I had gone away and wasn't stared at for being fat, and I didn't see any kids pointing at me or asking their parents why I was so big! I felt like a normal person on the trip! YAY.
Also, I met Jan last night at the support group in my area, and that was the end to a great week!
I am amazed at the changes that have come in such a short time!
I am glad you had a wonderful time, Jennie! You deserve it. Traveling now is going to be so much fun for you and for your family because you will be able to enjoy yourself more than you could preop. Anyway, I hope everything workous out on the job front. Hugs, Tracy
Jesus is so good to me; I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!
You are just so sweet! I loved meeting you too!
Although it was a strange place for an OH Support Group meeting
! I've already booked the conference room for next month ... but it's not the one I showed you, someone already had that one.
Those were great WOW moments, thanks for sharing so glad life has been so good for you! You look great and I hope you have a great time on this next cruise!