MRI results
It turns out nothing is fractured in my foot or ankle. The reason it is twice the size of my other foot and feels like the bones are in the wrong place is unknown. But since I can walk on it, what the heck. My doc and I agreed to have my chiropractor take a look/see at it (he has such nice strong hands.............oops, drifted off there for a minute....). The MRI showed a tear in the miniscus (sp?), but not too serious. I have to consult with an orthopedic doc, but my pcp thinks I will only need PT. And I adore my PTherapist. She's a great support for me. So I guess although my body looked horrific, given the amount of weight and distance I fell, maybe I am stronger than I thought. Or maybe the extra padding helped prevent serious injury

Julie, many times, a sprain can be wose than just breaking the darn bone! It feels like sprains take forever to resolve, while a broken bone eventually heals up.
Glad to hear it's not severe, and lucky you, actually liking your Physical Terrorist. When I had PT, mine was like something out of an "I Love Lucy" episode. OW!