The Gym is open Tuesday
Thanks for opening the gym! As of right now, I have my cable, phone and internet back in service. I found out today that 3 of my neighbors also had this problem. In fact, our cables melted together! All of us lost appliances. We are going to make a claim to the power company together! Still need to get my dryer fixed or replaced then I'll be back to normal. I'm doing that on Friday morning. What a hassle!
I did go to the gym this morning. I did 25 min walking the track. 10 mins eliptical and 25 min lower body strength training and abs. I will soon take another 20 min walk outside of my work.
I'm hurting today - whatever I did in my workout really pushed me to the limits. So, I'm heading to the tub pretty soon and I'm going to soak my poor, tired body!
So, what I did was 20 minutes on elliptical, 15 on cycle, then 20 more minutes on a different elliptical. It's no more than I usually do but for some reason it really kicked my butt!