Gym Is Open (Thursday)
I didn't make it to the gym this morning. We had a big storm and knocked out the electricity. When I finally woke up I just had to pull on my clothes and go. Then I came to work and someone had brought in a big batch of homemade cinnamon rolls. So, I ate one. I am so sick now!!!! What was I thinking???? I'm not a victim, I'm a volunteer! I knew better.
We are supposed to have our big Cinco De Mayo party at work today. It is raining like cats and dogs. We always have a big outdoor party with a mexican band and mexican food and games. Don't think it will turn out as planned. As sick as I am right now I can't picture eating mexican food...
Anyway, I hope the rest of you are having a more healthful day then I am to this point!
What have you done to move your body today?
Salt Lake City certainly has changed since I lived there in the 70s. We moved there from California, and no one in my high school had ever heard of Cinco de Mayo!
Raining cats and dogs?! So that's where the storm is coming from that threatens to ruin our entire weekend here in CO. I watched the weather report this morning -- 75 today, then the temperature tanks, the rains arrive, and we're in the 50s all weekend. I hope PJ has plenty of rain gear for her weekend hike -- there ought to be lots and lots of mud.
I'm dogsitting the neighbors' dog, so I might try and take her for a short walk. I also need to go outside and water the flower bed, but that's not really exercise, just movement.
Cinnamon rolls sound so good! I'm just too much of a coward to try one. A friend of mine who had surgery last June found out she can eat cookies. I don't even want to go there. If I found out I could eat sweets and bread, my life would be over, because I'd start eating them again. I do much better with just protein -- I had potatoes at both lunch and dinner yesterday and noticed the scale didn't move today.

Hi, Lori! I went to the gym twice Thursday - lifted weights for upper and lower body at lunch, then did 35 minutes on the elliptical trainer after work. I felt darn good when I was done on the elliptical; tired, but satisfied and happy.
Sorry the cinnamon roll made you feel like crap; I know how that goes. Some times our old mind takes over -- "mmmmm, cinnamon roll" -- forgetting that our bodies really can't handle that much sugar!
I love Cinco De Mayo - spicy food, fun music, and, for me, tequila! I first learned about Cinco De Mayo when I lived in Colorado in the early 90's. It was a blast. Celebrations in Cleveland can't hold a candle to what I experienced in Colorado, but I'll take what I can get! Hope you managed to have a good time, rain and all -