Gym Is Open (Monday)

on 4/30/07 4:23 am - Magna, UT
I didn't make it this morning.  Will go tonight after work.  I got in a glorious long walk yesterday.  Oh how I love spring! What did you do to move your body today? Lori
(deactivated member)
on 4/30/07 4:45 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
Hey, Lori, I did 40 minutes on the elliptical trainer at lunch today.  I'm always looking for some excuse to skip the lunch time workout, but then am super happy when I don't and I'm done for the day.  I thought about walking outside, but I can't walk fast enough to get my heart rate in the right zone.  Oh well, that's a sign that my cardiac fitness is pretty good, so I can't complain.  Will simply have to walk outdoors because I like it, not as my daily exercise! Anyway, thanks for keeping the gym open - I look forward to touching base with "the regulars" to see what everyone has been up to.  Have a fantastic day! Kellie
future former fat chick
on 4/30/07 10:51 pm, edited 4/30/07 10:52 pm - Baltimore, MD

Kellie, I have a similar issue about walking outside.  For me, it is not that I cannot get my heart rate into the fat burning zone, that is not a problem for me - I can challenge myself on walks.  But the problem is that I have this irrational fear of falling down when I am walking and that makes me super-cautious and I walk kinda slow and deliberate as a result.  That's why I like Walk Away the Pounds and In Home Walking because it is safer for klutzes like me.  But I do enjoy gettig out and taking my time to walk the dog or go for a nice leisurely stroll at lunch time. I admire those like PJ and Lori who can hike and walk outside for fitness.  It's great exercise and a lot of good fun.  I just know if I were brave enought to try that I'd be coming home on crutches! Don't get me started about how I almost fell and broke me neck during step aerobics class last night..... 

Jesus is so good to me;  I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!

on 5/1/07 2:32 am - Magna, UT
Tracy, I have fallen twice on my long walks.  Wasn't seriously hurt.  Just seriously embarrassed! Lori
on 5/14/07 2:06 am - Johnson City, TN
Hello, Since you had mentioned the Fat Burning Zone, I thought this article might be of some interest to you.,9696/mode,conten t/a,cms/

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 5/1/07 2:20 am - Magna, UT
Kellie, My walking keeps me in the "fat burning" zone for my age and weight.  But, I work harder on the treadmill and/or elipitical.  Which gives me a better endorphine hit for my head. All exercise is good!  You are doing great! Lori
on 5/14/07 2:07 am - Johnson City, TN
Hello, Since you had mentioned the Fat Burning Zone, I thought this article might be of some interest to you.,9696/mode,conten t/a,cms/

Jeremy Gentles, MA, CSCS
ObesityHelp Exercise Physiologist
on 4/30/07 4:57 am - CO
I called the PS office to see if I can start driving.  No driving for two weeks!  No exercising for two weeks, either.    Turns out I was supposed to have been measuring all the fluid draining out of my leg (the post-op nurse specifically said the doctor didn't order it) to see how long the drain will stay in place. I guess what I'll be doing the next two weeks is going with my sibling to the rec center (otherwise, she won't go, she's not motivated) and resting in the lounge while she exercises. Oh, well, I did want Blobby removed, so I guess I have to suck it up for a bit! I feel a bit out of sorts today, anyway.  I took a Vicodin last night because my leg hurt, and I knew I'd feel UGH today as a result.  Next time my leg hurts, I need to decide if if hurts enough to warrant the Vicodin.  I think I just took it because it was there -- I'll bet my pain would have subsided in about an hour or so. Kix



on 5/1/07 2:30 am - Magna, UT
Kix, I am so glad you got blobby removed.  But, there is a recovery period!  I fear that too for when I do my plastic surgery, it is probably still about a year off as I'm trying to save money for it.  I fear that if I have a long recovery period, which a lot of people do when they have the abdominal and breast surgery is that it will get me out of the habit of exercise.  Oh well, I'll cross that road when I get there.  I will have drains too.... Lori
on 4/30/07 8:11 am - Sacramento, CA

Hey Lori,  I went to the gym this morning but was a little late so I didn't get in my full workout but I was very close 1hour and 10 min. elliptical and treadmill. Lorraine

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