My cateracts
When I told my mom today she almost freaked even tho she had to have both eyes done for cataracts.
What I have read is I can have a fairly simple proceedure to remove the cloudy lens and replace it wirh a clear polemer lens.
Thiey have advanced in eye surgery by leaps and bounds.
Thanks each and all of you who have sent blessings and good thoughts my way.
Mother is wondering if I should have the eye stuff done before wls.
I am just not sure at this point which I should do.
I did notifie my surgeons nurse about it and I finally heard back that she had recived everything I faxed her so we just grin and bear it.
Any kind of eye surgery sounds scary, but I think cataract surgery is one of those that isn't too bad.
My thought is if your cataract surgery can wait (sometimes they can, sometimes they can't), go for the WLS first. My sister has a small cataract, and the eye doc says there's no need to do anything about it at this time, so they are watching it.
Goodmorning Kix,
Actually the eye doctor suspected the cateracts back in November and wanted to recheck it in April.
I am sorta getting used to it and adjusting to having one eye for seeing things far away and the one with the cateracts I use to read small print ect..
I really dont need to use my bi-focals at this point which is a good thing too.
As far as eye surgery I had lasiks done 4 years ago and it was a breeze.
I was thrilled during my ride home because I could see without my glasses which I have had to wear glasses since I was 8 years old.
I think you are right about waiting till after my wls for the eye surgery.
The nurse who put the drops in my eyes yesterday had wls two years ago and oh my goodness her starting weight was 300lbs she looked fantastic.
She was wearing a size 26 and now wears a 8-9.
It is encoraging to read many of the post here especially those who are 350 plus when they start and then get to 180 or less.
Just to see that makes me excited that this too can be possible for me too.
So I am ready to move ahead hear just doing the waiting thing.