A New Day
Just wanted to let everyone know I think I have found my champion to help me through much of the red tape with the insurance.
My champion turns out to be our nieghbor who has really put his heart and soul into my situatioin without jeperdizing his job.
He actually just left our house after spending two hours talking and explaining everything to us and what steps need to be taken.
Also the nurse did call me today and needs my last letter from BCBS faxed to her so things seem to be moving again.
I also took my mom to an appointment today and we really had a good time together.
We are closer now than we have ever been and it has happend in her older years as I am older too.
I really treasure the time we have togther I love her so much.
PS we stopped by a hotel on the way home so mother could check out a room she is having a party at.
I told her when we were leaving how good it felt to not be so ashamed in going into new places any more.
When I was 600 plus I did feel like a two headed monster.