Gym is Open (Saturday)
Happy Saturday, all!
For those of us crazy enough to exercise on the weekends, the gym is open!
I went to the rec center and did my usual 15 minutes of treadmill and 20 minutes of armbike. There was a swim meet going on there today, too, so we had to park quite a distance from the front door. I was able to walk the distance, but my knees got kind of grumpy about it.
We stopped at Costco on the way home to do some shopping, and my sister put a small scratch in her new car while unloading a heavy item out of the back compartment. She is now lying on her bed with a cold cloth on her face. I know how she feels -- years ago, my new Honda was a week old when a semi merged into my lane on the freeway and didn't see me there. Caved in the whole driver's side of the car.
What did you do to move your body today?

Hi Kix,
Sorry to hear about your sister's new car! What a bummer!
Our Y also had a special event, and we went extra early to get a parking spot. We did our 1 hour of water aerobics, that had a leg emphasis today, We spent the afternoon shopping at the mall.
I have to think about getting a couple new bathing suits. My size 22 suits are getting big, and the size 20 suits are fitting really nice! I started in a 32 suit, so lots of size changes!
Have a great weekend!
My sister is still moaning about her car. To be truthful, it's two very small nicks in the paint that can be easily touched up by a paint professional. I hope she gets through the seven stages of grief quickly, or else!
I'm impressed that you are losing sizes so quickly! My body shape didn't change for the longest time. Even now, I have lost a lot on top but am just barely starting to lose from the waist down. I
have noticed that the underwear I just bought is also getting baggy (TMI?), but it's still in good condition, so I guess I'll have to get some clothespins to hold them up.
I should try on my bathing suit, I'll bet it's too big now. A friend gave me her old one, but it has a skirt, and I prefer a tank bathing suit. I don't like swimming in a dress. Of course, I still need to figure out what to do with the portable oxygen. Maybe I can get a really long hose.
Keep up the good work!

Hi Kix, I don't usually post, but I do move my body everyday, today I cleaned the offices where I work. (Me and another coworker do this) Then went grocery shopping. Did 35 minutes on my bike, than some arm work with my weights. Now watching the Oakland A's play the Rangers on TV. Hey just wondering where is Lori? Have a great rest of the weekend Lynn
Hi, Lynn:
Lori is traveling on business for a few days, having fun in Hotlanta (Atlanta).
I hope the office cleaning wasn't too awful. I remember some of the coworkers I used to have were real pigs, and there is no way I would have wanted to clean up after them, ugh!
Good job on the exercise!
Did the A's win today? The Rockies did not (what else is new?) -- Padres kicked butt yesterday and today, too.
I was crazy enough to exercise this weekend and I am feeling it in every muscle of my body
Me and a friend went for a 6 mile hike today in the mountains. I knew we were in trouble when I saw a bunch of snow on the mountain, and sure enough the trail was muddy and snow/ice covered. We did fine on the way up, although it was messy. But the way down just about killed both of us. It was 4 long, cold hours and I was covered with mud by the time we got back to the bottom. And to top it off it started to snow when we left! Just not the day I was expecting but I got LOTS of exercise.
Now I'm sitting here, so sore I can barely move. Every time I walk I look like an old lady hunched over. what was I thinking???
I should of turned around the minute I saw the snow.
The person I hiked with was in his early 20's and is worse off than me, so that is one bright spot!
I'm about to head to bed and sleep until I can't sleep anymore.
I don't remember every being so tired in my life.

Good job, PJ! I'm impressed that you can hike 6 miles in the mountains. Were you in town when the students from Mines had to call for help because they were hiking in the evening and their flashlight died? They couldn't get down in the dark, so they had to call for help. I'm pretty sure that would be my fate -- I'd get stuck on some pointy rock or jam my foot into a hole and the entire Rocky Mountain Rescue Squad would have to come get me, and the 9News copter would film it all too, of course.
Wasn't the mud cold? BRR!
If you can hike 6 miles in the snow, you are not even remotely close to being an old lady.

I didn't hear about the students - that would be pretty embarrassing. And just my luck as well! There were lots of times when we couldn't tell where the trail went due to the snow and I just had visions of us wandering off and getting totally lost. Luckily I hike with everything possible just in case, but still, how embarrassing would that have been!
I woke up this morning and didn't feel sore at all - I was so excited! I went and worked out for an hour on the elliptical and did my weight training. I can't believe that 7 months ago I could barely walk around the block!
Now that you are becoming the workout queen, I think you and I need to plan a nice walk, especially since I am officially out of work and have tons of free time