Low blood sugar?
Has anyone else had low blood sugar since the surgery?
I was at a health fair today and got my glucose level tested and they were all worried because mine was low. I didn't have diabetes before surgery and have never had high or low sugar levels so this threw me. On top of that I have been feeling light headed the past few weeks and I'm beginning to wonder if the cause is my low blood sugar (I thought it was the stress of the last month, but now I'm not so sure) I'm just stumped as to why it's bothering me now.
Someone did mention that since I fasted for 13 hours before the test, that could be a cause. My level was 75 and I was pretty hungry when I took it. They told me to go get some of the food they had out but it was orange juice and a protein bar with way too much sugar, so I opted to not do that.
Anyone have this problem? And what did you do about it?
I was diabetic pre-op and my blood sugar has tanked a few times. Since I knew what it was from I had Boyce bring me some milk to drink. The milk sugar leveled things off and I felt better in a little while. I make sure I eat something about every two-three hours so that this doesn't happen so often. If you don't know what is happening it can really scare you. I keep several South Beach bars with us at all times just in case we get off antiquing with nothing else available to eat.
Thanks Janie!
It is a little scary the first time it happens - I'm glad I know now what might be causing it. I'm going to the store today to get little snack foods to keep with me and I'm going to start eating every 3 hours (I was eating every 4-5 hours before). I'm also calling my nutritionist tomorrow to see if she has any suggestions.
Big Hugs