Can things get worse?

on 4/19/07 9:18 am - Farmington, NM

For a very brief time, I actually thought that things were starting to go my way.  My wife was feeling better and her bleeding had all but stopped.  We learned of a local program that helps people get into a home of their own, and they seemed excited to help us.  I was doing well in school and had aspirations of finally finding work in a career.  My surgery was still a little ways off, and other than struggling to loose weight, I am right on track.  What a glorious week that was.  I remembered what it was to be happy and full of hope.  Then as I should have expected, but didn’t, Life kicked me between the legs… again…


It all started with a phone call about 7:00 pm Last Thursday.  It was my wife’s Doctor and he was worried because her amniotic fluid was low.  His concern is that the subchorionic hemorrhage had blocked some nutrient from reaching the baby.  My wife is now on limited activity (again), but has also been placed on disability, because the doctor does not want her to work.  Next to call was the housing people, who told us we didn’t qualify for low income help because we couldn’t qualify for $140,000 mortgage.  If we could qualify for a mortgage like that we wouldn’t need their help!!!  My current job ends in a few weeks, and the only interview I have is for a internship making a whopping $7.00 an hour…  What will I do with all the money?  Then Dr. Blackstone’s office calls and tells me my surgery (already rescheduled 3 times) is being rescheduled again!  At least it was a short move, from June 8th to June 25th. 


So basically, I have to continue to live with my parents (My wife and I had to move in with them last April when I was layed off), have zero career options open at the moment, and after paying insurance premiums, will have little money left to work with.  I have not been considered seriously for any “real” jobs due partly to my necessary time off for surgery in a few months, but mostly because of my obese body.  I keep telling myself that after the surgery things are going to look up.  I will feel better, and be more competitive in the job market.  I will be a Healthier Dad to my first child (Due in September) and with a little luck and a lot of work, Life will be better.  Am I deluding myself?


A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first one

LAP RNY 06/25/2007

on 4/19/07 12:09 pm

Things will look up.  I know you are so thankful for your parents right now ;) --  I read in a  post earlier today "To keep your eye on the prize".  The end result will be a happy and health family of three ;)  You can do it!  Just hang in there!


on 4/20/07 1:42 am - CO
I've been through Hell and back myself, and now that I'm climbing out of the abyss, I can say that it does get better.  The hardest thing is to have the courage to hang in there when times are tough and things seem bleak.  There were some days when all I could was just get through the day, and not even try to think about tomorrow. With your wife being pregnant and on disability, and your earnings being lower than you'd like, I'd suggest checking to see if there are government programs in your area that can help you with some of your expenses.  If not now, then when the baby comes, you will probably qualify for WIC which will help with food expenses.  I am hoping that New Mexico isn't as stingy as Colorado when it comes to financial assistance.  Coming from California, I was shocked at how little Colorado provides here. It sounds corny, but hang in there! Kix



on 4/20/07 9:06 am - somewhere, IL
Hugs and prayers, Sometimes when life isnt going the way we like it can seem so disappointing. The rough road is hard sometimes. Hang in there, this too shall pass.   You will figure it out, sending prayers and hugs. lov marie

Love Marie        My Space          I am a Army mom     

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