The Gym is open Thursday
Happy Thursday!
Today I doubt I will have time (OK, I dount I will MAKE time) to do a structured workout...I have to get the car ready for a road trip this weekend...which means washing and vacuuming it, and emptying out my trunk (which has about 200 pounds worth of catering gear in it right now)....I suppose all that will be a bit of a workout on its own!
I hope everyone has a fantastic day!
Hi Lorraine,
I was back at the pool today. We had a great morning workout, and I feel ready to take on the day! I'm finally to the point where exercise doesn't wear me out and require a nap afterward. I feel like I have energy after working out!
I'm heading back to the pool tonight, but have to leave before the end of the class because I have a 7:30 meeting.
I'm doing better about yesterday -- I looked at the weighins of lots of people having surgery around the same time as me, and our losses are similar. I think this doctor was way off yesterday. I'm shaking it off, knowing that I'm doing fine!
15 mins arm weight training
30 mins elliptical
15 mins arm weight training
I'm taking tomorrow off because I have to work from home on Sunday, so no gym for me tomorrow, but I'll probably take the dog for a stroll instead.....
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
My sibling is working late tonight, so I drove my sorry behind to the rec center to exercise by myself. I did 10 minutes of treadmill and 23 minutes of armbike. Someday, I will work up the courage to try the elliptical. Like Tracy says, it looks like a torture rack! With my bassett hound legs, I'm afraid that once I get on it, there won't be any way for me to get off of it!