Hi Yall
I also am new to the boards. My BMI is 65.3 at present and hightest weight was 387.5 (BTW I have lost 7 pounds woooohooo) I have had my initial evaluation with the Bariatric Group and awaiting the doctor to review the information. Then I will have to see a cardiologist, pulmonologist and get a sleep study. It is a game of "hurry up and wait". The dietician gave me some guidelines to start now.... and man oh man..... all I think about is food .
I hope that gets better! Can anyone tell me the best protien supplement? She told me about Unjury, but said there are others that are good, too. I am hoping to get a lapband, but if for some reason the doctor doesn't think that is the best for me, then we will go the RNY route. I am desperate to get help to get this off! Thanks, Leonetta
Dear Leonetta,
Welcome to the boards. My BMI was 66 point something and I am now "merely" overweight. It has been great getting the weight off. I just came back from a conference and knew there was no way I could have done it at my old weight.
I never found a protein drink I liked, but others seem to have more luck. Unjury does seem pretty popular.
Good luck with getting ready for the surgery, whichever one works out.
Jesus is so good to me; I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!
Hi Leonetta!
I have been trying a lot of the protein powders (and trust, there are a TON out there!) and so far I have found that the Unjury are good, but a LITTLE sweet for me. There is also IsoPure, Micellar, Profect, Nectar, Dymatize, the list is endless. bariatriceating.com has a TON for sale with notes on the tastes and ideas for using them. And for $30-$40 you can order a massive box of samples (I just got one, its got 25 or so samples of different things in it, and it came with a blender bottle). One thing that a lot of people say (with RNY at least) is that the things you like before surgery may not be the things you like after, so you might want to amass lots of samples to have onhand right after your surgery so you can try different things when you get home. Good luck! Shells
Karma....What would life be without it? 250lbs gone! 410/160... Life's sweet!