OT: Problem with my dog

on 4/16/07 2:16 pm - Vallejo, CA
So....this is probably kind of random to post here....but I just had a really horrible experience and I need to get it out and see if maybe someone has an idea. Our dog (Molly, a boxer/shephard mix) was FRANTICALLY barking and the neighbors dogs were all going crazy...and then I realized that I could hear that there was clearly another animal out back with our dog....I grabbed a flashlight and a hammer (the first weapon-ish thing that I could lay my hands on in my frantic race out the back door) and flew out to the backyard where I could hear that Molly was clearly attacking something. I went into the backyard and could see that she had gotten hold of one of the neighborhood stray cats (I dont know why it went back there, all the cats here are very smart about not going back there as she barks her head off at them whenever she can see them). She had it right around the middle and was crushing and shaking the heck out of, I had to give her a couple good knocks on the back of her nose with the handle of the hammer (not hard, just enough so she knew I meant business, and I didnt want to reach out for fear that in her frenzy she would hurt me) to get her to leave it and go away. She killed the cat, it wasnt dead when I got her off it but it died pretty quick. She was never in the least bit aggresive toward me, even when I put her leash on her and walked her away to tie her to the fence so I could take care of the dead cat....so I am not worried that she would ever hurt one of us...but our neighbrohood has lots of cats, a few strays and lots of families have cats that roam freely.....I don't ever want to have to fight her off of another animal and I can't even wrap my head around what I would do if she got hold of a neighbors pet. I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face and I just dont know what to do. I don't want to give her to another family, since I cant say she would never hurt anyone else (she is always very chill when I am around, but, shes MY dog) or another families pet and I know if I take her to the pound they will euthanize her (there are no "no-kills" in our area) because she is too old to be likely adopted again. I just don't know what to do. I guess I just needed to get that out and if anyone has any thoughts, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for "listening" Shells
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/07 10:27 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Shells, I'm sorry about your experience with your dog - it sounds very traumatic for you and I'm sorry you had to go through it.  Regarding what to do about your dog, I have a couple suggestions.  First, talk to your vet about what happened; perhaps he/she can offer some suggestions about what might have triggered the attack since this is outside your dog's normal behaviors.  Second, if the vet isn't particularly helpful, could you afford to work with an animal behaviorist?  They can help identify behavior issues and work with you to retrain the dog.  It can be somewhat expensive, but may be a workable alternative to euthanizing your dog.  Unfortunately for some dogs, once they've experienced "a kill," they may be more inclined to do it again.  So I would encourage you to take some action, rather than just taking a "wait and see" approach.  Best of luck to you in this difficult situation.   I hope you're able to find a good resolution. Kellie
on 4/17/07 1:14 am - Vallejo, CA
Thanks Kellie!  I am calling the vet today to see what she thinks as well as to find out if I should be worried about the dog getting sick (some of the strays in our area have been known to look a little sickly)....I will definitely keep a behaviorist in mind. Thanks! Shells
on 4/17/07 7:14 am - Spokane, WA
I'm not clear on whether this behavior is out of her norm or not.  Has she ever tried to go after the cats before--you say they usually don't go back there.  It is normal for dogs to chase cats and, in cases, kill animals that invade their territory.  I have a friend with two shepards that kill any small animal that comes into their "area of responsibility."   I suspect that the event was more tramatic for you than it was for Molly.  She probably was just doing her doggie thing.  But a good vet should be able to help you figure out the best course of action.  I have a sheltie and sometimes have to remind myself that this is a dog that was bred to protect his own--hence the large ruff of fur around his neck so preditors can't get to his throat.  I just can't see my "sweetie" in that way.   Good luck, Sally
on 4/17/07 7:31 am - Vallejo, CA
Hi Sally! No, this is not normal for her, she will bark at the cats if she can see them but she has never attacked one before.  Although, I would guess that this is the first time one has gone into the yard?   I think you are probably right, she seems totally find today, just hanging out doing her thing running around the yard. =) Thanks!! Shells
future former fat chick
on 4/17/07 10:07 pm, edited 4/17/07 10:08 pm - Baltimore, MD
As a cat owner, I find that behavior very disturbing - but that is probably because I am a cat owner.  (don't get me started about people who let their cats roam freely - never thought it was a good idea and never will.  cats can live perfectly happy and healthy lives without ever setting foot outdoors unless it's for a vet/groomer visit).  Anyway, it was NOT your fault.  Maybe you should talk to a trainer.  They have trainers at Petco and PetSmart.  Good luck.  Hugs, Tracy

Jesus is so good to me;  I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!

on 4/18/07 1:33 am - Vallejo, CA
Thanks Tracy!   We have 3 cats who never set foot outside either (except for the occasional dart out the front door, and then they realize they are outside and scoot right back in!).  She has been through good puppy training (YEARS ago) at Petco, that is a good idea I might stop by and have a chat with the trainer, see if they have any thoughts....its been such a long time since she was trained a little refresher course might not be a bad idea for her (she can be a little spastic! lol). Thank you! Shells
on 4/17/07 10:09 pm
Shelley, Just remember that the leash laws apply to cats as well.  Your Molly is just protecting her territory.  A qualified behavorist sounds like a good route to take.  Our Mollie has everyone in the neighborhood scared just by the way she barks from inside the house.  She lets us know if anything gets too close(in her opinion) to the house. Hugs, Janie
on 4/18/07 1:35 am - Vallejo, CA

Hi Janie! Our Molly is VERY protective of our territory, she will bark her head off at the guy who comes to read the gas meter, STILL after 5 years.  I think I will definitely have a talk with a behaviorist and see if they have any thoughts on the matter.  She has been VERY chilled out since it happened. =) Thanks! *hugs* Shells

on 4/18/07 8:57 am - West Chester, OH
You said you have three cats.  How does she behave around them?  I would be very cautious leaving this dog alone with the cats. I would be very leery of any dog (I grew up with many large dogs (collies and shepherds)and aggression to other animals was never allowed) that attacked and killed another animal.  I witnessed a perfectly pleasant dog belonging to a college roommate within a week attack and kill a kitten and then attack the six year old nephew who had grown up with the dog.  The dog was put down within the hour, but the nephew was seriously injured and tramatized that his doggie had suddenly turned mean.   If your dog gets loose (and they all do at some point) and attacks another small dog or cat, you will be held liable.
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