hi everyone I am new here

on 4/16/07 11:34 am - wawaka, IN
hi I am new to this board have any of you that had a bmi of around 60 been told by ins company that they wouldnt cover it after you have done 6 months of diet? I am just getting to the end of my 6 months and my bmi is 63 right now and i have lost about 60 lbs and i am a little worried my ins company isnt going to let me have the surgery since I did loss 60 lbs. what do you all think? thanks  brandy

highest/ 6 month diet/ surgery/ current/ dr goal/ my goal
    496  /   445        /   355    /  248  / 190     /     150

Karen The Papaya

on 4/16/07 9:42 pm - somewhere
My initial BMI was 65.1, at surgery it was 61.3..... I only lost 17 lbs on my 3 months supervised diet..... It's my understanding that the supervised diet thing is just to insure that you will stick with the plan, any actual weight loss is an added bonus! I don't think you have anything to worry about..... I know it's hard not to stress.... but just take a deep breath and let it go.... worrying about it won't do any good..... Hugs,

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot  Do....

377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal

(deactivated member)
on 4/16/07 10:30 pm - Cleveland Heights, OH
Welcome to the BMI over 50 board, Brandy!  I'd encourage you to talk to your surgeon's office and your insurance company to verify their requirements.  Each surgeon and insurer has somewhat different requirements, so their requirements vary.  By talking to them, you'll be able to get a better understanding of exactly what you need to do to improve your chances of getting approved for surgery.   Good luck on your continuing journey -  Kellie
future former fat chick
on 4/16/07 10:51 pm - Baltimore, MD
I don't know the anseer to your question since I have Federal Blue Cross, which does not even require a supervised diet.  Anyway, I wanted to say welcome and congrats on teh 60 pounds.  That's great!!!  It is 60 fewer pounds you will have to lose post-op.

Jesus is so good to me;  I couldn't ask for a better friend, protector, leader, savior!

on 4/17/07 12:47 am - Sacramento, CA

Hi Brandy,  The day of my surgery my bmi was 68  now I am at 44, you shouldn't have any problem getting the surgery. Dont worry and congrads on the weight lose thus far.



on 4/17/07 1:06 am - CO
If your BMI is around 60 after losing 60 lbs, I don't think you need to worry about having your surgery covered by your insurance (unless they decide to be obnoxious about it).  On the off chance they decide to jam you up about it, be sure to appeal. I had to fight my HMO for surgery, but I appealed all the way to external review, and I won on external review.  Once I won, my HMO was really good about working with me pre and post op. Good luck! Kix



on 4/17/07 2:26 am - wawaka, IN

thanks everyone. I do feel better about everything. I have talk to my ins company about 12 times since I started the 6 month diet to ask diff things. the lady is always so nice and tells me not to worry about it as long as my bmi is stay around 50 or higher and that I still have high bp and I still do its just going to be the 3 more weeks of diet and the waiting  it makes you starting thinking bad things. I just need to keep up the weight loss and stop thinking about the surgery so much.




highest/ 6 month diet/ surgery/ current/ dr goal/ my goal
    496  /   445        /   355    /  248  / 190     /     150

on 4/23/07 10:48 am - Pittsboro, NC
Brandy, You hang in there. It is a long road but somehow we will get there. Keep posting the people here are true hero's. Dont ever give up.                                                                  Annie
on 4/17/07 2:51 am - VALLEJO, CA
Welcome to our board, you are gonna find the most supportive people here.. My insurance company didn't require a diet, but my surgeon did. You have done great so far, I wish you nothing but luck. Please keep us posted on your progress. Lynn
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