I made the earth tremble.......

Julie ~
on 4/16/07 3:53 am
Friday afternoon as I was leaving an office where I was doing some volunteer work, I tripped over a filebox and did a rather ungraceful and uncontrolled leap and twist into a copier and table before somehow bouncing off and landing first on my right knee and then my butt, before somehow twisting and banging my back up against a door jamb. Oh, and did I mention I wet my pants? That's the last time I drink coffee and don't go pee for 5 hours Just to make this a less embarassing moment, the only observer of this pax de uno, was the night security guy, a very tall, dark and handsome young gent who gallantly offered to "help me up".  Geesh, do you think he noticed I am a tad overweight, and he might need some help? Do you think I really wanted to let him know I had wet my panties? Oh lordy, I don't know how I didn't burst into tears. I'l spare you the reat of the story, just to tell you I can walk on the leg, nothing seemed broken, but the swelling and bruising is outstanding and prizeworthy. I ache from head to toe and although I can bend the knee, doubt I will be driving anytime soon. I am due back at that office Wednesday afternoon, but since it involves climbing a flight of stairs, I don't think I will go. Also, I don't think I can face this guy again. I am trying hard to normalize all this, but I know you women are the only ones who truly understand the shame and humiliation, let alone fear, all this brings out for me. I can not wait for my surgery!!!!!!!!!!! - Julie
(deactivated member)
on 4/16/07 6:08 am - Cleveland Heights, OH
I'm sorry you're feeling banged up, both physically and emotionally.  I don't know if it will help you feel better, but even skinny folks trip over things!  Some of the least graceful people I've known have been skinny as a bean pole!  And I suspect that the kind young gent who helped you up would probably just want to know that you're doing okay....   Anyway, I hope you feel better soon Kellie
on 4/16/07 6:28 am - CO
About ten years ago (when I weighed in the low 400s) I met up with an old friend from Los Angeles.  I was living in the Oakland area and he was staying with a friend of his in San Francisco.  The plan was for me to pick him up (he had HIV and couldn't drive due to seizures) and bring him to my house for the weekend. I drove over and picked him up at his friend's apartment.  We visited with his friend for a bit and then got ready to leave.  I was so busy walking and chatting with my pal that I didn't even notice I stepped off the porch, totally missing the fifteen steps to the sidewalk!  Next thing I know, I'm lying face down on the sidewalk, having just done a spectacular bellyflop! Of course, it's Friday evening in the Haight in San Francisco, a trendy and crowded area.  People rushed over to see if I was OK, my friend is still on the porch looking down at me as if he was trying to figure out what happened, and I'm lying on the sidewalk looking like Flat Stanley.  All I wanted to do was crawl away like a crab and drive back to Oakland.  I was so embarrassed!  Thankfully, I wasn't injured other than a hyperextended thumb (oh, and my damaged pride). I can smile about it now, but it sure wasn't funny at the time.  I was convinced that all the people who rushed to help me were thinking, "What a fat ass!"  Truly, though, I think they were more focused on helping me, not on my weight. I'm just glad you didn't get swept away by the Nor'easter!  Feel better soon!  Oh, and I admire the fact you can drink coffee and actually not pee for five hours! Kix



on 4/16/07 6:39 am - somewhere, IL
Hugs for you.  I am so sorry you was so embarrassed.  I have fell something similiar a couple of times. I am not miss Graceful for sure.  I am sure the guy was just worried that you needed some help. We have all falling at some time or nother.  Even skinny people fall .  But after a Rny surgery dont expect to be able to go that long without peeing. At least I cant. I live in the bathroom. I have to go about ever hour.  My husband hates it. I know where all the clean bathrooms are in town.   Hugs.... Take it easy for a few days. And walk back in there with a smile.

Love Marie        My Space          I am a Army mom     

on 4/16/07 7:34 am - Vallejo, CA
*hugs* Glad to hear that you are more or less OK after all that! I feel your pain...I have ALWAYS been fat...when I was in high school I decided I wanted to be on the drill team my sophomore year (I was and still am a REALLY good dancer, I auditioned, got on easily even though I was by far the biggest one there), so.....midway through the school year....were performing at a pep rally and I trip and fall with my a$$ sticking up into the air...providing all 2500 kids with a LOVELY view of the paw prints (go bulldogs!!!) on the butt of my spanky pants. Now...my size had nothing to do with my fall, but it sure felt 1000000000 times worse because I was ALREADY the fat girl on the team...now I was the fat girl who fell.

Oh yes...it was SPECTACULAR.

Honestly though, after a few days I never heard another thing about it...and this was coming from TEENAGERS!

Don't worry about that night guard, I guarantee he was just worried that you had hurt yourself.

I hope you feel better soon!


(deactivated member)
on 4/16/07 7:57 am
Oh hon, I am so sorry. I think we have all probably been there, it's a horrible moment. I sprained my ankle once from a fall and my lovely boss at the time started to scream for more help to get me up.  (he was a total jerk!) It was humiliating. take care of yourself and just think about the future and how different it will be! Pam
Julie ~
on 4/16/07 9:06 am
on 4/16/07 3:17 pm - CO
Across the street from the ocean?! Is my room ready? Kix



(deactivated member)
on 4/16/07 9:24 pm
Thanks Julie! It feels good to actually WANT to have my picture taken - I keep looking at it thinking "that's not me." It blows me away. Just wait until you get there - it's an amazing feeling!
on 4/17/07 12:56 am - CO
I must not be there yet, as I still don't want my picture taken!  If I had awesome red hair like yours, though, I'd always pose for pictures!  Kix



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