Good morning, So I get up at 4:15am to get ready for the gym I get on the scale and I was happy to see another pound gone forever. I then make my husbands coffee becasue he will be getting up in 40 mins. I go to the car and of course spoke to my noise cat before getting in. I am pumped up because tomorrow I don't have to go to the gym only Monday thru Friday. The gym is dark and there are cars in the parking lot, so the guy is late no big deal just wait a little while he will be her in a few min. He never showed up so after waiting 30 min I go back home and get back in my bed were it was nice an warm. Now I have to go tonight I really hate going at night to many men in there looking and it just makes me feel funny. So I will be doing 5 miles tonight a combination of elliptical and treadmill. I hope everyone else morning started out better than mine. I still cant get going for some reason. What did you do to move your body today? Lorraine