Anyone go to a water park?

Carrie N.
on 4/12/07 9:12 am - Pigeon Forge, TN
I need as many opinions as possible!!! Well, summer is fast approaching and, although I hate the hot weather and the sun, I LOVE amusement parks.  I have never been to a water park in my life, but it looks like so much fun; in fact, I have not put on a bathing suit since I was 10.  Anyone been to a water park.  This is going to sound silly and vain, but were there fat people there?  I am so scared to go and have people call me names and embarrass my children.  This would be a huge step for me, and I really do want to go.  Also, would they let you wear a long t-shirt over your swimsuit? I am comfortable in clothes, but the idea of being practically naked in front of attractive strangers is terrifying!! Any experiences greatly appreciated!!! Carrie
385/199 goal/139 current
6' Tall

Surgery Date 8/2/2005
Tricie 40
on 4/12/07 9:56 pm - Back Home For Good, IL


I am not trying to be mean when I say this. But by the looks of your pictures, you are no longer a fat girl. You have come such a long way. You should be so very proud of yourself. Take your butt to tha****er park and represent. You look good. Put a t-shirt over your swimsuit if you want(they do allow it)In my opinion, either way you are going to look great. Enjoy this summer. I have not lost anywhere near the weight you have. My goal is to have loss at least 100 lbs by June and I am going to really enjoy this summer and look good doing it.  Take pictures when you do go. I love looking at pictures. BTW you have beautiful kids


The only person that is with us our entire life,  is ourselves. Live while you are alive




on 4/13/07 6:41 am - Glendora, CA
I have to tell you weighing 230 pounds your rather normal! There's a lot of people out there that weight more than you. You need to go and enjoy yourself, stop thinking of yourself as fat, and have fun. Just after I'd lost 80 pounds ... I'd just gotten below 300, we spent the weekend at a hotel in AZ with a bunch of watersides. I had a blast, I didn't give a rat's a** what anyone thought, I just had fun. My hubby had fun too, just because I did. 
I know I can, I know I can
Carrie N.
on 4/13/07 9:26 am - Pigeon Forge, TN
Jan, In my head, I know there are a lot of people bigger than me, and I really am OK with it, but it is hard to grasp.  It is hard to believe that at over 200 pounds I would just fit in.  I suppose I just have an idea in my head that over 200=fat, and I am still obese, and, the truth is, when I am out, I notice everyone, so I think everyone is the same way.  I remember when I was 10 my mom would not let me go to a waterpark with my brothers and father because I was too fat and I would embarass them (my father and brothers disagreed, but mom won). I will try it! Carrie
on 4/14/07 9:58 am - Near Media, Pa- South of Philly, NJ
Sure, you *notice* them, but you also probably notice trees. You have a problem with BIG trees? Shrubs offend you? Of course not, because we accept variety in size every other living organism. Like Gandhi siad, "Be the change you want to see in the world." You want to see more acceptance of people of size-- practice it--- even with yourself. -S.
Carrie N.
on 4/13/07 9:23 am - Pigeon Forge, TN
Thanks, I really want to go, and I think I will.....maybe, if I have a good time, even buy season passes. And thanks for the compliment on my kids.  I agree, I am very lucky to have such sweet, beautiful kids! Thanks, and congrats on your success so far!!! Carrie
on 4/14/07 9:55 am - Near Media, Pa- South of Philly, NJ
Your history makes it even MORE important that you reclaim your right to fun in the water! I weighed 368 pounds this January, and still had a blast swimming-- always will. I'm actually a lifeguard! I looked very odd in a swimsuit--- I am very lumpy (see my profile) and uneven in how I carry my weight-- but you CAN'T let that sort of thing get between you and loving life. No one has said a word to me about it, and what they *think* really isn't my concern. Will I be any more fit if I stay home? And actually, I have found people LOVE to see big people having a blast! Think of the laughing Buddha! I'll tell you a secret though--- every time I see someone swim in a t-shirt, I think, "There's an insecure fat person- shame, really." None of those people even know you. Liberate those arms! Get some Vitamin D! Enjoy the cool air on your skin! -S.
Carrie N.
on 4/14/07 12:10 pm, edited 4/14/07 12:11 pm - Pigeon Forge, TN
The truth is, I AM an insecure fat person, and I feel like that will never go away.  When guy**** on me, which they do all the time, even before surgery, I always think it is a joke, and I am like f--- off, jerk.  I don't think this will go away.  I have a man who I consider very hot, and I still wonder why he wants me, but, no matter what happens he is here, so he must like something about me.  I am going to the water park, not with a lot of confidence, but I will be there, and just cross my fingers all day that no one spits on me or throws things at me or calls me names......or my man will take care of it haha. By the way, no one has ever said anything to me about my weight in public, or made fun of me, or called me name, either, but I know they think it, and that is hurtful, too. Basically, I was just wondering if I was likely to see other fat people there.
385/199 goal/139 current
6' Tall

Surgery Date 8/2/2005
on 4/14/07 12:13 pm, edited 4/14/07 12:13 pm - Near Media, Pa- South of Philly, NJ
Are the thoughts that you imagine they are having as important to you as your fully experiencing life? Think of it as a small, courageous act. It's not as hard as it seems! :)
on 4/14/07 2:00 pm - Montclair, CA
Pre-surgery going to a water park is something that was not even a consideration.  I've lost 53 pounds so far and I'll feel great.  I have told my nieces that when the weather gets warmer that we'll be going to Raging Waters (it's a water park in CA) anywhoo, I don't plan on walking around in a 2 pieces, but I am going to wear a bathing suit with a real cute coverup.   I'm actually looking forward to it and my nieces won't let me forget that I told them that we are going. If you want to go then you should go and have a great time. 

Highest Weight - 375     Weight on surgery day - 370   Current Weight -205

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