Gym Is Open (Wednesday)
I did 3 sets of leg presses, leg curls and leg extensions on the weight machines, then 30 minutes on the treadmill at 7% incline and 3.5 speed, and then another 3 sets of the leg weight training..... oh my aching legs...

Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
Hey Lori, I have had to change my workout a little because my weight loss slowed way down. Currently I am doing the following 85 min total. 65 min on elliptical for a and 15 to 20 min on the treadmill total miles 5.2 total calories burned 1100. I am losing again is what is important an I feel stronger. I was going to go to the gym 6 days per week but I think 5 is enough. 2 more days to go and then I can rest.
Have a great day
We had a busy day. My sibling picked up her new car today (it is so nice -- I want one, too!). We tried to go to the DMV so I could transfer my license from CA to CO, and after waiting an hour and having the line only move by two people, we bagged it for today (and I plan to write a nastygram to the governor). It's pretty sad when a state government office is more poorly run than something you'd find in a third world dictatorship. Even the employees looked miserable.
We were able to go to the rec center earlier than usual, which was nice. I had some good music on the radio, so I did an extra five minutes of exercise without even noticing. I think it was 15 minutes on the treadmill and 20 on the armbike (or it could have been 30 minutes on the armbike and 10 on the treadmill).