See Dr Williams on Wednesday
I am so darn happy!!!!!!!! My hubby got the day off so he is going with me. Did I mention I am happy.

I was so heart broken 2 years ago when my insurance canceled my surgery due to my Hubby's company excluding it. Since then I have had a third child,found med's that help my anxiety more then anything, I can say I love myself,and I now have insurance that will cover it. I know now the reason for waiting 2 years but at the time I thought it was the end of the world.

I was so heart broken 2 years ago when my insurance canceled my surgery due to my Hubby's company excluding it. Since then I have had a third child,found med's that help my anxiety more then anything, I can say I love myself,and I now have insurance that will cover it. I know now the reason for waiting 2 years but at the time I thought it was the end of the world.