What a month this has been...
Hello everybody,
Sorry I have not been on the forum much, but what a heck of a month this has been! Between school, work, my medical issues, the problems my wife and I have had with our pregnancy, and my sister-in-law’s first child being born W/ complications… I have hardly had time to breathe. Marcie is still bleeding, and we don’t know if her hematoma is shrinking, staying the same, or getting larger. It certainly has not resolved itself. We both try to remain optimistic, but worry always finds it way inside our minds.
My sister-in-law, had her baby a week and a half ago, but there was a blockage in the baby’s intestine requiring surgery. We ended up in
I am sill on track for my surgery in June, although I am finding it hard to loose the weight I am supposed to, especially spending so much time on the road trying to help with the situation in
Please pray form my wife and baby, my sister-in-law, and me… I would like for everything to work out for all of us.
Richard I
A journey of a thousand steps begins with the first one
LAP RNY 06/25/2007