Hey All My Surgery date has been changed to March 26th, due to my blood test results. I am kinda bummed about the delay. (I know its silly) Its just 6 more days. I have to start my iron tablets early and hopefully I will be in the normal range by then. A huge HUG and Thank You's to everyone for being so supportive.
Hey, I know it's a bummer, but you certainly don't need to start this journey already anemic and tired all the time!
Life is tough, but my God is TOUGHER
"There is more to life than increasing its speed.? Gandhi
The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing What People Say You Cannot Do....
377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal
It's just a minor set back...thank GOD that you will still have WLS
Here's a bit of advise. I was anemic pre-op and now I finally have good labs. At first, I was taking iron twice a day...but it gave me horrible constipation. So, my WLS doc told me to take 500mg of chewable vitamin C with the one 65mg iron (ferrous sulfate 325). The vitamin C helps your body absorb the iron more readily.

~Sexy YaYa~
Also, do not take iron with other vitamins/minerals other than C, especially calcium. If you are taking protonix or prilosec or something for your stomach after surgery, wait at least 4 hours after taking that before you take iron.
I have anemia of chronic disease, and my iron levels can fluctuate drastically from day to day, but my ferritin level is very high. My surgeon wanted me to take iron, but my hematologist said NO because I absorb the iron fine, and it is being stored, but not always available to my system. I would double check any anemia issues with a hematologist. Anemia, and low iron levels can be much more serious than just taking an iron pill especially if your other labs show ok hemoglobin and hemocrit.