MSW will not settle
on 1/18/13 5:03 am


Who are the binge eaters out there?  Folks don't like to own up to this behavior because it gets a lot of flaming & criticism on Oh boards.  TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH AND BE ACCOUNTABLE:  Are you a compulsive overeater?  Are you unsure?  Do you even know what this means?

Binge eating disorder is an often overlooked mental health issue.  It does not get the respect anorexia and bulimia have garnered yet is equally life threatening.  Generally the medical community excludes the obese from diagnosis because of the ridiculess requirement that one must also be under weight to have an eating disorder.  The only difference between the recognized mental health issues and the "detestable" physical state of obesity is a gag reflex. 



The most common element surviving ALL Eating Disorders
is the inherent presence of a low self esteem.



The Recovery Group is dedicated to serving compulsive eaters. Compulsive Eating is not a disease that one can take a pill for and cure. It is not something you can go on a diet, lose weight and forevermore be okay. Diets actually do great damage to a compulsive eater. Compulsive eating is incurable and serious. If you are a compulsive eater, please always remember IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. You did not cause this and you will not be able to cure it. Nevertheless, by arming yourself with knowledge about the disease and by enlightening yourself, you will be able to live a life that is happy, joyous and free and one happier, healthier and more blessed than you ever dreamed possible.




Victims of Compulsive Eating have what is characterized as an "addiction" to food, using food and eating as a way to hide from their emotions, to fill a void they feel inside, and to cope with daily stresses and problems in their lives.

Compulsive eaters are people whose hands or minds move toward food when they are not at all hungry. Compulsive eating has nothing to do with the size of your body. Compulsive eaters come in all shapes and sizes. Compulsive eating has to do with how many hours you spend preoccupied with thoughts about what you are eating and what you look like. The Overcoming Overeating approach does not address eating disorders; it addresses dieting disorders, the casualties of the diet industry.

People suffering with Compulsive Eating tend to be overweight, are usually aware that their eating habits are abnormal, but find little comfort because of society's tendency to stereotype the "overweight" individual. Words like, "just go on a diet" are as emotionally devastating to a person suffering Compulsive Overeating as "just eat" can be to a person suffering Anorexia. A person suffering as a Compulsive Overeater is at health risk for a heart attack, high blood-pressure and cholesterol, kidney disease and/or failure, arthritis and bone deterioration, and stroke.

Men and Women who are Compulsive Overeaters will sometimes hide behind their physical appearance, using it as a blockade against society (common in victims of sexual abuse). They feel guilty for not being "good enough," shame for being overweight, and generally have a very low self-esteem... they use food and eating to cope with these feelings, which only leads into the cycle of feeling them ten-fold and trying to find a way to cope again. With a low self esteem and often constant need for love and validation he/she will turn to obsessive episodes of binging and eating as a way to forget the pain and the desire for affection.




Men and Women living with Binge Eating Disorder suffer a combination of symptoms similar to those of Compulsive Overeaters and Bulimia. The victim periodically goes on large binges, consuming an unusually large quantity of food in a short period of time (less than 2 hours) uncontrollably, eating until they are uncomfortably full. The weight of each victim is usually characterized as above average or overweight, and victims tend to have a more difficult time losing weight and maintaining average healthy weights. Unlike Bulimia, victims do not purge following a Binge episode.

Reasons for Binge Eating can be similar to those of Compulsive Overeating; Using Binges as a way to hide from their emotions, to fill a void they feel inside, and to cope with daily stresses and problems in their lives. Binging can be used as a way to keep people away, to subconsciously maintain an overweight appearance to cator to society's sad stigma "if I'm fat, no one will like me," as each victim may feel undeserving of love. As with Bulimia, Binging can also be used as self-punishment for doing "bad" things, or for feeling badly about themselves.

A person suffering with Binge Eating Disorder is at health risk for a heart attack, high blood-pressure and cholesterol, kidney disease and/or failure, arthritis and bone deterioration, and stroke.




The following is considered the "text book" definition of Binge-Eating Disorder (BED) to assist doctors in making a clinical diagnosis... it is in no way representative of what a victim feels or experiences in living with the illness. It is important to note that you can still suffer from BED even if one of the below signs is not present. In other words, if you think you have BED, it's dangerous to read the diagnostic criteria and think "I don't have one of the symptoms, so I must not have it".

1. Recurrent episodes of binge eating.


An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following:


A. Eating, in a discrete period of time (eg, within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar cir****tances;

B. A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (eg, a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating).


2. The binge eating episodes are associated with at least three of the following:


A. Eating much more rapidly than normal
B. Eating until feeling uncomfortably full
C. Eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry
D. Eating alone because of being embarrassed by how much one is eating
E. Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or feeling very guilty after overeating
F. Marked distress regarding binge eating.
G. The binge eating occurs, on average, at least 2 days a week for 6 months.
H. The binge eating is not associated with the regular use of inappropriate compensatory behaviors (eg, purging, fasting, excessive exercise) and does not occur exclusively during the course of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.


3. Eating and/or Sleeping Problems

It is important to be aware that throughout life, during positive and negative stress periods, people may experience eating and/or sleep pattern problems. If either or both of these conditions persist or interfere with daily life, then it is important to identify the underlying cause(s) of the problem. Problems with Eating and Sleeping are defined as usually over/under eating or too much or too little sleep. During the past decade, we have become aware of the detrimental effects of Anorexia, Bulimia and Compulsive Overeating and while these problems may warrant medical attention, the underlying causes need to be identified and appropriate coping skills developed.




For most people, eating disorders can be treated successfully with a combination of ongoing medical care and monitoring, psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and often, medication. Medical monitoring helps to correct and prevent some of the potentially dangerous complications of eating disorders, for example, bone density loss or disturbances in the heart's rhythm. Psychotherapy offers strategies aimed at recognizing and changing maladaptive behaviors associated with eating disorders; it also identifies and addresses the psychological stressors in interpersonal and family relationships, major losses, and traumatic events that may have lead to development of an eating disorder. Nutritional counseling assists with developing a reasonable, tolerable plan for eating and supports following it consistently. Finally, several different kinds of medications can be helpful in readjusting the brain chemistry that may be in part responsible for the eating disorder. Newer types of antidepressants have improved safety and tolerability and can yield sustained relief from eating disorder symptoms.


The above is a compilation of information about compulsive eating from various organizations dealing with this disorder including Harvard Eating Disorders Center, Something Fishy, National Center for Overcoming Overeating, Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention and The Renfrew Center.



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Copyright © 1999 ~ 2003 The RECOVERY Group



Use the link id you need it.  Use the link if you're not sure if you need it.  Most of us suffer from this disorder to some degree.  If for no other reason, use the link to understand this issue for your future protection.   


  ...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.



For reference:

5 Day Pouch Test (5DPT) website 

5 Day Pouch Test Instructions

Protein Train Instructions 


Wagon Plan Instructions 


Overeaters Anonymous

Online Meetings Around the Clock * Information on changing eating behavior 

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) 
The no op version.  This version is still severe but far more liberal than the one many pre ops are given.   


Daily calorie needs calculator
A more advanced calculator that's still easy to use.   
Advanced option lets you choose from  3 different calculation methods.  Enter data once for calorie needs at maintenance;  plus calorie needs for 2 different levels of weight loss; and, results include a week long calorie cycling plan.  Calculator  takes into account age and gender as well as activity level.  Links to other calculators are on the same page.  


Not just for runners.  Site has a variety of workout music and music timed to progressive running programs for 5k, 8k, 10k, and speed.  In place indoors, treadmill, or at the track run to the beat and you'll complete the stated distance.  There is also a variety of interval training music from about 130 bpm up to to 180 bpm; and, fixed bpm workout music as well.  Lengths of tracts vary but there is a speed/ length to suit most workout needs.  


A WORKOUT site to get you started or keep you going

No special equipment is required for this group of progressive workout programs designed for those new to it all and for those wanting to step it up a notch.  Perhaps you can only do one or even none today.  Perhaps you do quite a few already.  Either extreme or somewhere in the middle, this self challenge is still for you. 



USDA - database, nutrition facts



Exercise when you "cant" exercise : http://www.sitandbefit.org/products_store

Sit and Be Fit is committed to improving the quality of life of older adults and physically limited individuals through safe, effective exercises that are available through television, videos, personal appearances, classes, seminars, books, and the Internet. Sit and Be Fit actively promotes functional fitness, healing, and independence, and is an effective resource for professionals in aging and fitn



                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 1/18/13 2:25 pm

Dam your ACCOUNTABILITY got long as hell.   I don't really have much to say.  I am just discouraged and don't know what to do with myself anymore.  I had lost 7 pounds but all but 2 came right back and you know they will be sending a text to those 2 telling them to come home and bring cousins and aunts and ****

So it is time to get really, really serious and think about some drastic measures now,  I'll keep you posted.


Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
MSW will not settle
on 1/28/13 7:58 am
All I did was cut & paste so length is meaningless. If I had to author the this I bet it would be far shorter.

But seriously folks, half our continued struggles may be head related. I know my eating had declined in many respects as my weight declined. Were I as careful as I was about food years ago, perhaps I would not be such a fkcu up now. BIG SIGH!

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


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