Are there any African-American DSer's on this board?
Hi everyone. I usually hang out on the DS board, but I'm making a conscious effort to make the rounds to all the boards that will speak to issues specific to me. I'm a little more than 3 1/2 years out from my DS. I was switched on 2/25/2009.
I have a food question. I am a lover of greens. Collard, turnip, mustard, spinach, kale singularly or mixed. However, for me the most important thing is protein (this is where the smoked turkey tails and/or ham hocks come in!) And let's not forget the ho****er cornbread!
If you are a DSer who loves greens, have you had digestive distress after eating a meal of greens and cornbread? I'm aware of the carb issue with the cornbread, but i was taught that cornbread is a complex carb, not a simple carb, so I do not absorb 100% of it.
I felt a litttle more comfortable asking this question here, especially of the 'ol skool sisters and brothers *****member what Sunday Dinner...or any dinner... at Big Momma's house was like, and who also love our southern ethnic cuisine!
I would also be interested to hear from non-DSers who might have had to give up one or more of their favforite soul food dishes, if you can comfortably talk about it.
Hey Karmel!
I know you're excited!
The first eight weeks are typically the worst post -op, but some people just sail through. It's different for everybody. My first eight weeks were pretty rough, but once the internal swelling went down, and after a bit of a stretch to my sleeve, it was pretty smooth sailing!
Staying hydrated will be the most important thing immediately post op. Don't try to force the protein shakes, and work up to the vites. It might be a good idea to get liquid multivites and liquid calcium immediately post -op, then gradually switch to capsules and tablets. A pill cutter will become your best friend! It breaks the coating on the pills, so the stomach acid can get to the good stuff inside, and dissolve it more thoroughly. It also helps with some of the larger pills, like calcium. You can usually find these near the pharmacy at Walmart. You might also want to get yourself one of those four row pill organizers. It will help you learn your schedule, and what to take when. I know some of the combinations that help with absorption, like iron with C (it has to be Proferrin or another type of heme iron) and Calcium Citrate/Magnesium Citrate with D. Your multivites should be separated from these by at least two hours.
**DO NOT** get the oil or gel-filled (softgel) capsules for vitamins A D E or K! You will *not* absorb them. has most of what we need, at affordable prices. I get my Dry D off of eBay! clid=CPi478XnhLMCFQXqnAodJWcAEQ#/?page=8
Bio-Tech is another good brand for Dry A-D-E-K vites at the levels we need, and can be located on eBay as well. You can also Google that, and get links to several vendors. Vitalady is good to just start out with the whole DS kit, but I caution you, the initial outlay will be close to $400 for a 90 day supply. I only purchased one complete kit from her, and now, I cherry-pick what I will buy from her, if I can't get what I need anywhere else for less. I have a sheet with the supplements she recommends - you can plug it into almost any brand, as long as it's the same potency. My e-mail is [email protected].
You will see lots of late night and early morning threads from me, because I have a wicked time with insomnia! I'm re-tooling to become a Registered Dietitian specializing in pre and post-op bariatric nutrition, so I'm up studying quite a bit, too.
Give your body time...don't try to pu**** My first solid foods were scrambled eggs and cottage cheese (I even mixed them at one point!) but again, take your time, and if your doctor knows what he/she is talking about, follow his/her advice. Otherwise, talk to us vets on the boards! I will copy and send you the DS vite list from my files, or Vitalady may still have it available on her site.
Make sure you get up and walk every two hours while you're in the hospital. The nurses will probably come get you up for that! My DS was open. If you're having yours lap, you'll probably only be in for three days at the most.
You *will* be amazed!
Welcome to the DS Party!!!
I know you're excited!
The first eight weeks are typically the worst post -op, but some people just sail through. It's different for everybody. My first eight weeks were pretty rough, but once the internal swelling went down, and after a bit of a stretch to my sleeve, it was pretty smooth sailing!
Staying hydrated will be the most important thing immediately post op. Don't try to force the protein shakes, and work up to the vites. It might be a good idea to get liquid multivites and liquid calcium immediately post -op, then gradually switch to capsules and tablets. A pill cutter will become your best friend! It breaks the coating on the pills, so the stomach acid can get to the good stuff inside, and dissolve it more thoroughly. It also helps with some of the larger pills, like calcium. You can usually find these near the pharmacy at Walmart. You might also want to get yourself one of those four row pill organizers. It will help you learn your schedule, and what to take when. I know some of the combinations that help with absorption, like iron with C (it has to be Proferrin or another type of heme iron) and Calcium Citrate/Magnesium Citrate with D. Your multivites should be separated from these by at least two hours.
**DO NOT** get the oil or gel-filled (softgel) capsules for vitamins A D E or K! You will *not* absorb them. has most of what we need, at affordable prices. I get my Dry D off of eBay! clid=CPi478XnhLMCFQXqnAodJWcAEQ#/?page=8
Bio-Tech is another good brand for Dry A-D-E-K vites at the levels we need, and can be located on eBay as well. You can also Google that, and get links to several vendors. Vitalady is good to just start out with the whole DS kit, but I caution you, the initial outlay will be close to $400 for a 90 day supply. I only purchased one complete kit from her, and now, I cherry-pick what I will buy from her, if I can't get what I need anywhere else for less. I have a sheet with the supplements she recommends - you can plug it into almost any brand, as long as it's the same potency. My e-mail is [email protected].
You will see lots of late night and early morning threads from me, because I have a wicked time with insomnia! I'm re-tooling to become a Registered Dietitian specializing in pre and post-op bariatric nutrition, so I'm up studying quite a bit, too.
Give your body time...don't try to pu**** My first solid foods were scrambled eggs and cottage cheese (I even mixed them at one point!) but again, take your time, and if your doctor knows what he/she is talking about, follow his/her advice. Otherwise, talk to us vets on the boards! I will copy and send you the DS vite list from my files, or Vitalady may still have it available on her site.
Make sure you get up and walk every two hours while you're in the hospital. The nurses will probably come get you up for that! My DS was open. If you're having yours lap, you'll probably only be in for three days at the most.
You *will* be amazed!
Welcome to the DS Party!!!