How do you attract the right kind of men? What about that man who's attention you always seem to draw? Is he what you want? Is he what you need? Do you have any business attracting men to begin with? (Husbands and boyfriends tend to frown on this.
Here is my problem finding a good man. He don't want to be found by me!
I swear, mature intellegent men must hide when I come out to play. Its like psst... she's here... pass it on then run.
Once again I declined to give a man my number. He is well spoken; nice and tall; dark skinned; gainfully employed; and, muscular as in buff to the max. As a matter of fact, that relates to how we met. We were often closing down the gym at night. Later he began to seek me out at his place of business which I frequent. When I run into him he in the neighborhood he insists I squeeze his well sculpted arm and chest muscles. Who would not want a bite of that, mmmmm feels yummy, lol.
There is a problem in here somewhere you wonder? Huge problem for me anyway. He is young enough for me to have given birth to him. This happens all the time. Only men under forty seem to show any interest in me.
I used to love older men but now an older man is just plain old. Even with cialis & viagra I'm not looking for a fella with one foot in the grave, lol. The men my age are chasing the women my daughters age so where does that leave me? With the young men whom I just can't see being "my man" or caring for the aged that cant get the uoung women.
I value intellect; maturity; emotioal and financial security; strong long term relationships of all types, etc. You know, the things folks my age value. Or maybe I'm wrong about that.
The fifty-ish men seem to want the youthful sex kittens. The young studs are seeking out the cougars. Then there is the set that want the pumas; that is, us chicks fifty and above as I understand it. I have been approached by damned teenagers (don't worry, military men so the are legal) when all I want is a a little companionship with a man of my own generation.
Kitten, cougar, puma, whatever. In the end men often reduce us to
any way you put it.

Here is my problem finding a good man. He don't want to be found by me!

Once again I declined to give a man my number. He is well spoken; nice and tall; dark skinned; gainfully employed; and, muscular as in buff to the max. As a matter of fact, that relates to how we met. We were often closing down the gym at night. Later he began to seek me out at his place of business which I frequent. When I run into him he in the neighborhood he insists I squeeze his well sculpted arm and chest muscles. Who would not want a bite of that, mmmmm feels yummy, lol.
There is a problem in here somewhere you wonder? Huge problem for me anyway. He is young enough for me to have given birth to him. This happens all the time. Only men under forty seem to show any interest in me.
I used to love older men but now an older man is just plain old. Even with cialis & viagra I'm not looking for a fella with one foot in the grave, lol. The men my age are chasing the women my daughters age so where does that leave me? With the young men whom I just can't see being "my man" or caring for the aged that cant get the uoung women.
I value intellect; maturity; emotioal and financial security; strong long term relationships of all types, etc. You know, the things folks my age value. Or maybe I'm wrong about that.
The fifty-ish men seem to want the youthful sex kittens. The young studs are seeking out the cougars. Then there is the set that want the pumas; that is, us chicks fifty and above as I understand it. I have been approached by damned teenagers (don't worry, military men so the are legal) when all I want is a a little companionship with a man of my own generation.
Kitten, cougar, puma, whatever. In the end men often reduce us to

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He helped to keep my @$$ rocking the eliptical and running 10k. A man lifting heavy weights, burning up the treadmill, and built like granite sneaks peaks at me in the gym while I'm exercising. I know exactly why he came into my life. Motivation for me to keep on working it.
Yes I am vain and he is positive reinforcement.

As the above poster mentioned, you never know why someone comes into your life. But, living these years that I have, I truly believe that we "attract" where WE are right now (Emotionally and Spiritually.)
The above description of the man is Physical; you don't mention any "Spiritual" or Emotional attraction or attributes. You may want to look at YOU for a while...Your attitude is that "ALL" the "Good" men run when You come around (paraphrasing.) Well, "good" men, like "good" women do not want to be saddled wth Spiritually and/or Emotionally immature people either.
All of the people I have dated, as well as My former partner of many years are much younger than Myself. I did not see it as a problem because even though we had the age difference they had high Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence.
I have found this to be the case: BE what you are trying to attract in your Life...No matter what happens YOU will win!
The above description of the man is Physical; you don't mention any "Spiritual" or Emotional attraction or attributes. You may want to look at YOU for a while...Your attitude is that "ALL" the "Good" men run when You come around (paraphrasing.) Well, "good" men, like "good" women do not want to be saddled wth Spiritually and/or Emotionally immature people either.
All of the people I have dated, as well as My former partner of many years are much younger than Myself. I did not see it as a problem because even though we had the age difference they had high Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence.
I have found this to be the case: BE what you are trying to attract in your Life...No matter what happens YOU will win!
Be Well, Live Well
I Am Most Excellent - Affirmed Only Of GOD.
I wish for You, what I pray for Myself: Wellness, Happiness and Success In ALL Things Good!
I know for Sure I Control: My Attitude and Effort, My Health and Happiness.
Its all to be taken tongue in cheek. The smileys
indicate my dry wit. Dating the older chick is the "in thing" at the moment and this amuses me. (Admittedly, amusing me is not difficult as demonstrated by the jokes I post.) I'm guessing the "***** cat" picture did not connect either.
My random musings about younger men are just that. Musings as opposed to a cry for help finding my woman within who, with enough psychobabble, can become truly worthy of a good man. When I'm ready to saddle a man there will be a riding crop involved not emotional baggage
But seriously folks, spiritual & emotional attributes did not enter my mind. Why not? Well it is not because I am shallow and immature (although I may be). He is a very attractive BMW (as in Black Man Working). However, I'm simply not attracted to him. There needs to be a "spark" for a man to be anything more than a physical package with a mental dossier attached. In the couple years we've been acquainted I'm pretty certain he is a good man. Were he closer to my preferred age group, I still think we would not click. DAMN, if only it could be all about the physical!

My random musings about younger men are just that. Musings as opposed to a cry for help finding my woman within who, with enough psychobabble, can become truly worthy of a good man. When I'm ready to saddle a man there will be a riding crop involved not emotional baggage

But seriously folks, spiritual & emotional attributes did not enter my mind. Why not? Well it is not because I am shallow and immature (although I may be). He is a very attractive BMW (as in Black Man Working). However, I'm simply not attracted to him. There needs to be a "spark" for a man to be anything more than a physical package with a mental dossier attached. In the couple years we've been acquainted I'm pretty certain he is a good man. Were he closer to my preferred age group, I still think we would not click. DAMN, if only it could be all about the physical!