Selecting a smiley for this thread was not easy with so much going on at the moment. Thanks all my peeps for looking out for me. My damned smart phone 'ain't so smart' because folks have sent me text messages and emails that 'I ain't got'. Damned if I can figure out why all data is not pushing through at all and/ or comming through after long delays.
In reality misery loves company but company wants misery just to stay the hell out of the way. It has been a ***** of a month or two with my DD and one of my best friends going through major drama. All initiated by others of course. I've wanted to ***** & MOAN & WHINE & COMPLAIN but I refused to go there. Nothing positive to say so I kept my mouth shut.
The problem with caring about people is you have zero control over what happens even if you can see potential for disaster. Same holds true if there is already a total disaster with the potential to become a clusterfkcu royale. I've got my own issues but lately I'm only cauht up in other peoples problems praying everyone makes it through ok.
Good news is my DD is moving her things into her new apartent today so I no longer have to worry about her being dispossessed and everything she owns laying on the street. (See my post about mom having to bite her damn toungue and you will understand.) Now I can think straight again or at least clearrly enough to log in.
Thankfully DD she is on her own now. There will not be anymore no rent paying; lying; creating a clusterfkcu; concealing clusterfkcu's from those screwed over; using dick as a line of credit; whoring room mates to deal with. Its sink or swim all by yourself time and my DD is an excellent swimmer.
Then there is my BFF whom I did not post about but have had to sit back and watch while she bends over and holds her ankles. No ky jelly & no idea how hard she will get slammed in the end. Both literally and figuratively. I had to close that case weks ago. Got her the best assistance money can buy pro bono and she left it laying on the table. The initial phase is done and now if she has a lick of good sense she will begin having regrets in a minute because the fallout is starting too. All I can do is be a sympathetic ear.
Lord knows there are my own problems to be delt with too. I had the drive from hell in the home stretch. I do not have the energy or the concentration for long marathon driving. I take it over a couple days and stop at virtually every rest area. I'm headed to GA all right but at the Northern FL exits so tack another four hours on to what every you're thinking. Of course when I'm almost there I'm hit with major road work; torrential rain storms FL style of course; and lightening provides the only visability. That my peeps is the best of it all. My own issues are still standing but I'm not going there. I simply refuse to!
Sorry I have not been here for my Angelette, MsLorindaC; to post accountability; and especially to support our new ops through the newbie phases. I'm back and I have not forgotten about the pre ops; new posters; tweens and vets be they holding it down or struggling.
I've got catching up to do on the board and with the pm's. Of course I'll be back before the weekend is out to hold all of our feet to the fire. Many hits, many misses, but we must stay accountable for each one of them.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
I'm guessing you text me the evening we had breakfast or the next day or two. That's when my volume of email sharply declines as did my texts. I'd get a flood of stuff on and off but the normal email/ message count would not be there in the morning. I'm sure there are still things not getting through.
Next time I'll be sure to text you as I go. You know I always update the folks throughout the day. Somebody will no where to begin if God forbid I ever go missing. There will be none of that without a trace bull**** for me, lol.
Next time I'll be sure to text you as I go. You know I always update the folks throughout the day. Somebody will no where to begin if God forbid I ever go missing. There will be none of that without a trace bull**** for me, lol.