New Lease- I am letting my issues be my motivator
Hi all well my computer went down on Thursday so that has been a challenge. I decided to take my God daugther up on an invite and went to the Franky Beverly and Maze concert and stayed with her the whole weekend. While I laid in bed there I realized that I have a bad habit of putting important things concernig me and my weightoss first, well no more I am doing me. I slept like a baby stress free it had been a long time and now I am taking care of me. I came home and joined the YMCA and they are going to give me a fitness coach to setup a program for me. Yeah, I lost 10lbs, yea and trying to eat right and get the water in so far so good. Keep me lifted in pray and encouragement. I am well on my way.
Wl is a huge part of our lives and it must have its place and be among our priorities. That does not make it our entire life.
Enjoy all life has to offer as you improve your health. Wl allows us to be capable of doing things we may not have been able to enjoy before. Let wl have its rightful place. Let the rest of your life have its rightful place too.
Enjoy all life has to offer as you improve your health. Wl allows us to be capable of doing things we may not have been able to enjoy before. Let wl have its rightful place. Let the rest of your life have its rightful place too.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous