Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses
I needed a sick day yesterday but I'm back.
The basic rules. YES I AM STILL GOING ON ABOUT THE BASICS! Failure to comply is why so many of us wls folks meet the medical definition of success; however, we never make our goal weight. Then there are those of us who struggle against regain a few years after doing well.
While details vary among medical practices there are a few things each physician's plan have in common. Then there are the individual adjustments we find work best for ourselves. Work the details as they work best for you but keep in mind that some things are non negotiables.
We talked vitamins, protein, water, portion control, and never drinking while you eat. Today lets talk grazing. Be it high calorie liquids or nibbling throughout the day (or night), we can defeat out procedures very easily by doing it.
Tell the whole truth and be accountable. Do you just "taste" here and there without counting it among your feedings? You may prefer many very small meals or fewer larger ones. It is your universe so do whatever works for you. I'm talking about anything you put in your mouth that has calories and falls outside of your established dietary routine.
What you taste as you cook; the just one bite; the piece you picked at right out of the fridge or pantry; and you know better than I do what should be listed. Theses are all adding up to fat.
Plan your meals. How detailed is up to you but you should have a clue. This way you are not caught hungry and wandering what to eat while you nibble as you decide.
Do not allow yourself to get hungry. Hunger becomes an excuse to grab something, anything to hold you over. Plan a snack into your schedule. Always keep something with you in case you do not have access to an appropriate snack. It need not be elaborate. At the dollar store I can pick up a twin pack of pepperoni, under an ounce each, no refrigeration needed, so I have something in my purse.
There are a million reasons why we need to have a little something between planned feedings. This is in part why most of us were thrown together here in the land of the obese. How badly do you want to change your behavior? It will not be easy. the soonet you beging working at it the better off you will be over the long term.
The two'fer:
Tell the whole truth and be accountable.
What did you eat yesterday? How did it compare to the way you should have eaten? What will you eat today and will you be on plan?
Sip, sip, sip. It is far easier to sip a glass each waking hour except for the required "grace" period before or ater meals than to attempt to guzzle it all down in a short space of time. Pre ops and never gonna be ops, this applies to you as well. Drink tha****er daily.
The three'fer:
Tell the whole truth and be accountable.
Exercise: Did you participate in any dedicated workout activity yesterday? Will you dedicate time to exercise today? I'm not talking about housework or shopping etc. I am talking about @$$ up and out for the sake of working the body to improve heart, lungs, and muscles. What are you doing today?
Not all of us have had or plan to have weight loss surgery. I get reminders on the back line but us wls folks rule the boards so there are not many no op related questions posted (I wish you would because there are more of you than you each may think.). Never going to be op; pre op; newbie; tween; or vet we share common needs. Sufficient vitamins and supplements for our conditions; adequate nutritious food in sensible portions; and regular exercise are the body's needs and not just part of our wish lists.
How accountable have are you been for your food intake, liquids, exercise, and macro nutrients. What will you do to ensure you have it right?
...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test (5DPT) website
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions
Wagon Plan Instructions
Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings Around the Clock * Information on changing eating behavior
Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF)
The no op version. This version is still severe but far more liberal than the one many pre ops are given.
Daily calorie needs calculator
A more advanced calculator that's still easy to use.
Advanced option lets you choose from 3 different calculation methods. Enter data once for calorie needs at maintenance; plus calorie needs for 2 different levels of weight loss; and, results include a week long calorie cycling plan. Calculator takes into account age and gender as well as activity level. Links to other calculators are on the same page.
Not just for runners. Site has a variety of workout music and music timed to progressive running programs for 5k, 8k, 10k, and speed. In place indoors, treadmill, or at the track run to the beat and you'll complete the stated distance. There is also a variety of interval training music from about 130 bpm up to to 180 bpm; and, fixed bpm workout music as well. Lengths of tracts vary but there is a speed/ length to suit most workout needs.
A WORKOUT site to get you started or keep you going
No special equipment is required for this group of progressive workout programs designed for those new to it all and for those wanting to step it up a notch. Perhaps you can only do one or even none today. Perhaps you do quite a few already. Either extreme or somewhere in the middle, this self challenge is still for you.
USDA - database, nutrition facts
I needed a sick day yesterday but I'm back.
The basic rules. YES I AM STILL GOING ON ABOUT THE BASICS! Failure to comply is why so many of us wls folks meet the medical definition of success; however, we never make our goal weight. Then there are those of us who struggle against regain a few years after doing well.
While details vary among medical practices there are a few things each physician's plan have in common. Then there are the individual adjustments we find work best for ourselves. Work the details as they work best for you but keep in mind that some things are non negotiables.
We talked vitamins, protein, water, portion control, and never drinking while you eat. Today lets talk grazing. Be it high calorie liquids or nibbling throughout the day (or night), we can defeat out procedures very easily by doing it.
Tell the whole truth and be accountable. Do you just "taste" here and there without counting it among your feedings? You may prefer many very small meals or fewer larger ones. It is your universe so do whatever works for you. I'm talking about anything you put in your mouth that has calories and falls outside of your established dietary routine.
What you taste as you cook; the just one bite; the piece you picked at right out of the fridge or pantry; and you know better than I do what should be listed. Theses are all adding up to fat.
Plan your meals. How detailed is up to you but you should have a clue. This way you are not caught hungry and wandering what to eat while you nibble as you decide.
Do not allow yourself to get hungry. Hunger becomes an excuse to grab something, anything to hold you over. Plan a snack into your schedule. Always keep something with you in case you do not have access to an appropriate snack. It need not be elaborate. At the dollar store I can pick up a twin pack of pepperoni, under an ounce each, no refrigeration needed, so I have something in my purse.
There are a million reasons why we need to have a little something between planned feedings. This is in part why most of us were thrown together here in the land of the obese. How badly do you want to change your behavior? It will not be easy. the soonet you beging working at it the better off you will be over the long term.
The two'fer:
Tell the whole truth and be accountable.
What did you eat yesterday? How did it compare to the way you should have eaten? What will you eat today and will you be on plan?
Sip, sip, sip. It is far easier to sip a glass each waking hour except for the required "grace" period before or ater meals than to attempt to guzzle it all down in a short space of time. Pre ops and never gonna be ops, this applies to you as well. Drink tha****er daily.
The three'fer:
Tell the whole truth and be accountable.
Exercise: Did you participate in any dedicated workout activity yesterday? Will you dedicate time to exercise today? I'm not talking about housework or shopping etc. I am talking about @$$ up and out for the sake of working the body to improve heart, lungs, and muscles. What are you doing today?
Not all of us have had or plan to have weight loss surgery. I get reminders on the back line but us wls folks rule the boards so there are not many no op related questions posted (I wish you would because there are more of you than you each may think.). Never going to be op; pre op; newbie; tween; or vet we share common needs. Sufficient vitamins and supplements for our conditions; adequate nutritious food in sensible portions; and regular exercise are the body's needs and not just part of our wish lists.
How accountable have are you been for your food intake, liquids, exercise, and macro nutrients. What will you do to ensure you have it right?
...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test (5DPT) website
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions
Wagon Plan Instructions
Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings Around the Clock * Information on changing eating behavior
Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF)
The no op version. This version is still severe but far more liberal than the one many pre ops are given.
Daily calorie needs calculator
A more advanced calculator that's still easy to use.
Advanced option lets you choose from 3 different calculation methods. Enter data once for calorie needs at maintenance; plus calorie needs for 2 different levels of weight loss; and, results include a week long calorie cycling plan. Calculator takes into account age and gender as well as activity level. Links to other calculators are on the same page.
Not just for runners. Site has a variety of workout music and music timed to progressive running programs for 5k, 8k, 10k, and speed. In place indoors, treadmill, or at the track run to the beat and you'll complete the stated distance. There is also a variety of interval training music from about 130 bpm up to to 180 bpm; and, fixed bpm workout music as well. Lengths of tracts vary but there is a speed/ length to suit most workout needs.
A WORKOUT site to get you started or keep you going
No special equipment is required for this group of progressive workout programs designed for those new to it all and for those wanting to step it up a notch. Perhaps you can only do one or even none today. Perhaps you do quite a few already. Either extreme or somewhere in the middle, this self challenge is still for you.
USDA - database, nutrition facts
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
You can do this. The plan makes it easier. Go for it MsThicklin.
I've done the 200 in the past but not lately. For awhile I was trying for an increase but two is my limit. Normally I split my workouts. Half with my cardio & half when I do strength. I also do crunches and reverse crunches for the lower abdominals. That's where I have always had the the poofiness. Below the belly button.
I've done the 200 in the past but not lately. For awhile I was trying for an increase but two is my limit. Normally I split my workouts. Half with my cardio & half when I do strength. I also do crunches and reverse crunches for the lower abdominals. That's where I have always had the the poofiness. Below the belly button.