Chek dis owt!
on 1/24/12 11:56 pm - CA
Ayy yo,
In the words of the Tyler Perry's "Madea" character, "Hellur. Good Mertin. Good Mertin." Despite not having that good ol' BAF group like we used to have, here are a few things that have been on my mind:
Did anybody see the "State of the Onion" address last night on television? Wasn't Mr. Obama sharp as a tack the way he was sticking it to those who've opposed him in Congress simply because he's black? uh... half black?
uh... a strong grey?
Yeah a strong grey.
But who cares. I kept looking for Boehner's head to suddenly explode as he sat there quite tanned and stone-faced, looking utterly dazed and totally confused that here was a black man standing directly in front of him wearing a business suit and speaking coherently, all while he kept waiting for Mr. Obama to instantly start acting and sounding like Flavor Flav.
Course ya know Boehner will start boo-hoo crying at the drop of a hat like "Wanda" from Good Times, who always cries at weddings, funerals, rent parties, threesomes... you name it. It must make those fools in the GOP cringe with apprehension, as their booty holes quiver with fear, that the best that they have to offer Mr. Obama by way of a 1 on 1 competition in this upcoming Presidential election race is the "Flip-Flopper" Rommney, "Close down all the Planned Parenthoods now" Santorum, or "Mr. I'll tell the NAACP a thing or two" Gingrich. The stoner Ron Paul will be the next one to vote himself off of Survivor-Republican Island and when he does he'll go get himself a pound of weed and be like "Fugg that election! Imma get high as a kite, Yo."
Singer Etta James passed away recently much to my surprise. Six months ago they were reporting that she was in the hospital seriously ill. Three months ago they were reporting that she was in the hospital fatally ill. And just 3 weeks ago she said, "'F' dis! I'm sick of this Gott-Dayum hospital food is what I am!" and walked out of that same hospital under her own steam, making a complete and miraculous recovery. Later on, I think what had happened was somebody slipped her 1 juicy BBQ rib too many and that was the end of that. Daggone extra-tangy sauce gets them erry'time, Yo. SMH
Now I'm reading in the paper that after earning $80 million during the course of his career, Terrell "TO" Owens is broke. In the words of Shabba Ranks, "Lawd-a-mercy..." Here's the thing, for all of the drama associated with TO on and off the field, he's really not a "ball-outta-control" kinda celebrity at all. He actually did the right thing with his money by investing it with a financial planner's advice. Unfortunately, the investments he chose were in dumb **** like entertainment complexes and night clubs.
Folks, if you become instaneously successful and wealthy don't go putting all of your new found loot into "fun based" investments. The country is in a recession right now; and Black folks don't have any more "Play-Dough," as we say in the hood, to go trapesing off to the club or to try and send our kids to "Fun-O-Rama Land" or "Arcade Party World." Ask every other broke-a$$ ex-ball player who invested in stupid things like clubs and flashy rims and **** like that. You'd be better off building some schools, hospitals, and computer companies, so that the Asian, Latino, and Indians folks who will fill them up will have some place to learn and thrive. I'm just saying.
US Marines need bathroom breaks y'all. Yes they do. If we could put adequate breaks in these wars nowadays every few hours, stopping all of the fighting completley, we can let our soldiers find a proper bathroom and not force them to piss on the bodies of the dead foreigners that they've just killed. It's unsanitary, not to mention highly disrespectful regardless if they were the enemy.
Is it just me or is Lady Gaga simply Madonna upgraded to version 2.0? Her music sucks (about the same as Madonna's did), she surrounds her image with the same old controversies (We get it, we get it... gay people are like M&Ms, they do exist!), and she appears to be more style than substance (a dress made of meat? Meat? Really?? Now if you wore a dress made out of some chicken broth on TV then you'd be on to something.) Oh and did I mention that her music sucks?

You never disappoint. Unfortunately, I passed out on our President's address....I was dog tired

I was sorry to hear that Ella James passed. I wonder if she and Beyonce were in the same hospital? You know there was a little bad blood between them ever since Beyonce crooned AT LAST during the inauguration. They might have had one last smack down knock out fight....Beyonce probably came in there pulling rank and bed sheets and her condominium of a hospital room while Etta was evicted into the coroners suite. I believe Etta won though and hence the baby is named Blues Ivy....Blue Ivy for Seriously....RIP Etta.
I was reading about TO...and just turned the page because I have read that story so many times it "ain't funny" when it comes to celebrities and athletes of color. Come on now...the first thing that they need to do with their money is pay the tuition for course 101 of "I don't know sh*t about finances..please help me hold on to my bread and butter...thank you lawd".
Yeah...I don't get the reasoning behind urinating on corpse. I can understand anger and realize that some people do some crazy things when they are angry...but I also feel that some of our military personnel are simply low life thugs in uniforms. One of these days they are going to try that stunt...only to have one of those so called corpses reach up and grab their manliness smooth off....

Wow...yes..I agree...Lady Gaga is Madonna regurgitated. I was thinking this very same thing the other day. I was even wondering if she was Madonna's protege...when I thought of similarities. I am speaking specially about the music and style. I do like the fact that she has waged a personal war against bullying though. Its an issue that needs to be addressed...and only people of statue such as herself can bring it to light. I give her kudos for that stance.
Nice to see you on the board...hope you plan to stick around.

on 1/30/12 4:49 am - CA
Thx. A lot of other folks have been missed around here too. But I won't tell nobody.

MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
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on 1/30/12 4:55 am - CA