OH has fallen a long way since I first lurked a decade or so back. However, one area where OH was never strong was in resources for the non physical issues. (Should I disappear it is because the first sentence got me banned from this site.) Head trauma is not where the $$$ is so when you come accross sites with strength in this area it is generaly a not for profit organization or a the work of a few dedicated members.
Here are some resources you may find useful. Some OH/ BAF folks are there. You may or may not recognize them as we do not discuss other sites where we know each other (or at least this is true for me). (caps are for ease of reading only (aka MFP)) groups that may interest you:
WLS folks, all procedures. I've seen none of the wls wars bull**** that has taken over the main board here.
Support for Weight Loss Surgery
For the compulsive over eater regardless of weight.
Support for Binge Eaters
For the 12 steppers and those interested in support for changing over eating behavior and recovery from food addiction.
Overeaters Anonymous on MFP
Before the groups there were "topics" which equate to the boards on OH. These are still open for posting but not often used since groups opened up. It is organized very differently from OH but you will soon learn your way around. Send me a pm if you want to be friends.
Most MFP members are your average fat persons with normal metabolisms trying to loose a modest amount of weight. You will find people who are hostile to wls and we are overwhelmingly out numbered. However, although most posters cannot relate to morbid obesity, I have had no issues on MFP and I do not hide my rny.
The Recovery Group - Overeaters Anonymous Online (aka TRG/ OA online)
Anonymity is at its core so there is no "friending" as we know it. There are email loops and special focus meetings for a variety of topics and life issues. Most important: 365/24/7, online chat room meetings every three hour around the clock at Midnight, 3am, 6am, 9am, Noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm.
Overeaters Anonymous Here you will find the main page for The Recovery Group.
Are you a compulsive eater? If you are in doubt answer these questions then check out the links for OA online.
OA meets online This is the door way to meetings of all types.
The site includes message boards, chat rooms, email loops, 12 step courses for new comers and for those recovering from food addiction and other forms of compulsive over eating. All who wish to stop over eating are welcome.
We may be long term post ops or in that "Tween" stage neither newbie or vet. Or perhaps we are pre op struggling with a pre op weight loss requirement while questioning how one can expect dieting success from someone with no option other than surgery? Our struggles include weight gain; slowed or stalled weight loss; and eating disorders like compulsive over eating & binge eating disorder; and who knows how many other issues. We get depressed and frustrated so we loose our motivation. The deeper our humiliation at our percieved failure the worse our response.
Then life just happens and we become further frustrated. Again, food is our response to depression, anxiety, anger, loneliness, and the list goes on. Negative emotion requires soothing and food is our salve. No one expects the alcoholic or drug addict to just stop. Or worse, have a little then stop. Yet, the word expects this from us.
Our eating disorder issues are ignored because we are fat and this is seen as a weakness and not an illness as it is with the undeweight. We already know the same people who would not criticize a heart bypass patient for receiving a stent or a long term smoker for yanking out a diseased lung will criticize us for surgical weight loss as they insult us for being fat. Often times this includes the medical/ mental health community so there are few resources for us.
We have to help ourselves and each other. If you know of any resources please share them. We need all the support we can get if we are to have life long successs.
Here are some resources you may find useful. Some OH/ BAF folks are there. You may or may not recognize them as we do not discuss other sites where we know each other (or at least this is true for me). (caps are for ease of reading only (aka MFP)) groups that may interest you:
WLS folks, all procedures. I've seen none of the wls wars bull**** that has taken over the main board here.
Support for Weight Loss Surgery
For the compulsive over eater regardless of weight.
Support for Binge Eaters
For the 12 steppers and those interested in support for changing over eating behavior and recovery from food addiction.
Overeaters Anonymous on MFP
Before the groups there were "topics" which equate to the boards on OH. These are still open for posting but not often used since groups opened up. It is organized very differently from OH but you will soon learn your way around. Send me a pm if you want to be friends.
Most MFP members are your average fat persons with normal metabolisms trying to loose a modest amount of weight. You will find people who are hostile to wls and we are overwhelmingly out numbered. However, although most posters cannot relate to morbid obesity, I have had no issues on MFP and I do not hide my rny.
The Recovery Group - Overeaters Anonymous Online (aka TRG/ OA online)
Anonymity is at its core so there is no "friending" as we know it. There are email loops and special focus meetings for a variety of topics and life issues. Most important: 365/24/7, online chat room meetings every three hour around the clock at Midnight, 3am, 6am, 9am, Noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm.
Overeaters Anonymous Here you will find the main page for The Recovery Group.
Are you a compulsive eater? If you are in doubt answer these questions then check out the links for OA online.
OA meets online This is the door way to meetings of all types.
The site includes message boards, chat rooms, email loops, 12 step courses for new comers and for those recovering from food addiction and other forms of compulsive over eating. All who wish to stop over eating are welcome.
We may be long term post ops or in that "Tween" stage neither newbie or vet. Or perhaps we are pre op struggling with a pre op weight loss requirement while questioning how one can expect dieting success from someone with no option other than surgery? Our struggles include weight gain; slowed or stalled weight loss; and eating disorders like compulsive over eating & binge eating disorder; and who knows how many other issues. We get depressed and frustrated so we loose our motivation. The deeper our humiliation at our percieved failure the worse our response.
Then life just happens and we become further frustrated. Again, food is our response to depression, anxiety, anger, loneliness, and the list goes on. Negative emotion requires soothing and food is our salve. No one expects the alcoholic or drug addict to just stop. Or worse, have a little then stop. Yet, the word expects this from us.
Our eating disorder issues are ignored because we are fat and this is seen as a weakness and not an illness as it is with the undeweight. We already know the same people who would not criticize a heart bypass patient for receiving a stent or a long term smoker for yanking out a diseased lung will criticize us for surgical weight loss as they insult us for being fat. Often times this includes the medical/ mental health community so there are few resources for us.
We have to help ourselves and each other. If you know of any resources please share them. We need all the support we can get if we are to have life long successs.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
MsLee you know you are major among the rocks I lean on.
Crazy is a lonesome place. This is why we need BAF folks to step up again.
Look at how many came out to view your threads and the old schoolers that posted. It shows some have been cheking the board all along. The problem is when you are at bottom, loosing it, crying over it, etc you hit BAF and... scilence. We need to be able to post our crazies knowing someone is involved enough to respond. Thankfully one of out BAF fam lead me to MFP to fill that gap.

Look at how many came out to view your threads and the old schoolers that posted. It shows some have been cheking the board all along. The problem is when you are at bottom, loosing it, crying over it, etc you hit BAF and... scilence. We need to be able to post our crazies knowing someone is involved enough to respond. Thankfully one of out BAF fam lead me to MFP to fill that gap.
Thank you for all the info. I have been wondering where everyone went. When I first started to research WLS, coming to the BAF board was more fun and informative than being on Face book. I found myself crying laughing at the interaction between Double Ay, Ms. Lee, Mack Mama and yourself. I must admit that I was a lurker then and when I wasn't able to have surgery, I was devastated and did not want to come onto the site because it would remind me of what I could not have. I look back now and realize that I was miserable. I do miss the all the folks that used to be here and would love to have that back. I appreciate you, Ms. Lee and others for holding it down and still being there for those of us that need it.
The drama on the main board is crazy, but it's definitely has calmed down a little now that some have moved on. I like it here and I plan to stay and be more active.
The drama on the main board is crazy, but it's definitely has calmed down a little now that some have moved on. I like it here and I plan to stay and be more active.

I didn't find BAF for the first five years. Until my pre op diet began all I knew was the main board.
I miss them all too. Those folks taught me alot and not just about wls either plus they made it all fun. Time to make some new fun. Too many potential links to act the fool like we used to (everybody doesn't need to hear everything), but we can still have a laugh. Folks just have to come on out and play.
I miss them all too. Those folks taught me alot and not just about wls either plus they made it all fun. Time to make some new fun. Too many potential links to act the fool like we used to (everybody doesn't need to hear everything), but we can still have a laugh. Folks just have to come on out and play.
RNY on 03/26/12
This is some really great info!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to compile it all and post it here.
Thanks so much for taking the time to compile it all and post it here.
It will if we all come on out of hiding and post daily. Most threads were not wl related. Remember the Christian sex question and thorough Thursdays? Lol! I'm not as open as I was but we can still get some interesting and fun dialogue rolling while keeping oir secrets. That is, if we really want it.