Don't call me FAT if your ass is FATTER than I am
on 1/11/12 10:24 am
on 1/11/12 10:24 am
This guy had the nerve to post on my FB that "you are really fine, your're just, well you know." So I answered back I know what ?? That I'm smarter than your dumb uneducated ass, that I am well traveled and your ass has never left Buffalo, That I have several degrees and your ass has never stepped foot on a college campus, that you hunted my ass down every dam day I was there despite the fact you have a ******g wife, that even at my fattest you are still twice my dam size. NEGRO PLEASE !!!
I can't believe he had the nerve to come out of his mouth trying to call me fat, I even told him that one of the first things a grown ass man learns is that he never ever comments on a womans body, even when she is as "fine" as I am.
Then after reading my message on FB he had the nerve to call my house. I hit the hang up button during his message so he would know that I was not only listening but that I didn't want to hear him and hung up the dam phone. LOL.
Fat *******
I can't believe he had the nerve to come out of his mouth trying to call me fat, I even told him that one of the first things a grown ass man learns is that he never ever comments on a womans body, even when she is as "fine" as I am.
Then after reading my message on FB he had the nerve to call my house. I hit the hang up button during his message so he would know that I was not only listening but that I didn't want to hear him and hung up the dam phone. LOL.
Fat *******
Salty Pickle a.k.a. Lee
Oh Hell no his sorry ass has the nerve to ctitique somebody when he has zero going for him except some poor woman willing to marry a total zero? He should be blasted off the planet.
Its something the way even the most pathetic of men decieve themselves with delusions of super model worthy women wanting only guys like them. Smdh.

MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
LOL! you know he was trying to call you FAT. I read everything you wrote but did not get that part. Some times our own insecurities will get the best of us. He said...You know? and your mind ran away with you. NOW call the BIG BOI back and ask him if he was trying to call you fat....IF he says yes...THEN tell him to kiss your FAT a@@ and then hang You are beautiful!!!!... Don't give anyone the satisfaction of knowing they hit a raw spot. They don't deserve the time or the attention.
on 1/12/12 3:10 am
on 1/12/12 3:10 am
I didn't put the entire post on there but there is no doubt he called me fat. That is all those losers can do there is call you fat cause they have nothing going for them and try to find anything they can to tear you down. Unfortunately most of it came from my family. I am fat but i don't want to hear it from a fat boy.
Salty Pickle a.k.a. Lee
Ms. Lee,
I understand. It's like that scenario when you are walking through the mall with your girlfriends in high school and an unattractive guy tries to get you to talk to him and you decline because you just aren't interested and instead of him dealing with the rejection, he decides to call you a "fat ass" or give some lame ass hurtful excuse on why he never was interested in you anyway in front of his boys.
It's amazing how some people boost themselves up by putting down others. This is not good!
I understand. It's like that scenario when you are walking through the mall with your girlfriends in high school and an unattractive guy tries to get you to talk to him and you decline because you just aren't interested and instead of him dealing with the rejection, he decides to call you a "fat ass" or give some lame ass hurtful excuse on why he never was interested in you anyway in front of his boys.

It's amazing how some people boost themselves up by putting down others. This is not good!