12 days left until Christmas. What's in your wallet?

Double Ayy
on 12/12/11 11:32 pm, edited 12/13/11 2:53 am - CA

Ayy yo,

What it do?  What it do, Yo?  Has everyone had a chance yet to get out of their cold beds, whip out their trusty dusty credit cards, plunk down our booties in front of the computer, and purchase a bunch of stuff for this upcoming day of gawdy excess and mindless over indulgence?  Ah to be a kid again - with a trust fund!

Look, I'm no Scrooge or nothin' but I've gots ta tell ya, if we Americans ever decided to do away with the gift-giving part of Christmas it would be just fine with me. The way I see it, you have people who actually give presents and those that just drop the ball and go "Oh **** I gotta give you something huh? Dayum!" 

The present givers tend to be good at somehow tapping into who you are as a friend or relative and then think long and hard about how to get you something that they think you'll enjoy, based solely on your personality or style.  Those dayum in-bred ball droppers, on the other hand, just wait around like they are trying to win the National CP Time Award for late shopping at Christmas, putting no thought into the gift; nothing special in selecting the wrapping paper; and when you open the dayum box you can tell it's something that someone else at their office party got stuck with for Secret Santa.  Y'all just don't know how many of those daggone little samples of various mint jellies from Knottsberry Farms that look like something stolen from a hotel kitchen or decorative candles that have either a nursing home's logo or a GEICO or Century 21 sticker on it that I've gotten in the past. 

And those friggin' gift cards...  Ah man!  Don't get me started.  In the words of Tony soprano - "Fuhgeddaboutit!"  There's nothing that says, "I'm one of the world's most thoughtless, flaky, and triflin cheap @sses out there" moreso than to give someone a gift card to some chain restaurant or some over-priced mall store.  Let's face it - that's the tacky brown polyester-knit giant plaid suit wearing used car salesman sporting white dress shoes approach to holiday gift giving. when you give one you're actually saying, "Here's $25 in the form of plastic.  Go out and YOU can get yourself whatever YOU want - now doesn't that make YOU feel all warm and tingly inside?  Merry merry!" 

No, Ninja.  No it doesn't.

Do ya wanna know what that lame @ssgift card really says to people when they open their present and see it?  It says,
"We were eating out ya know, dining in a nice restaurant the other night and of course when the bill came we were talking about you and how  when we all go out together you never pick up the check or head to the bathroom when the check comes. So we wanted you to have this cause we're sick and tired of treating your broke behind to some cooked food."

We've got to do better people.  If you can't give something nice then don't give anything at all.  Simple enough right?  So BAF, if any of the old gang is still aroud, what's the worst gift you've gotten for Christmas or any other special day?  Holla at your boy?

MSW will not settle
on 12/13/11 7:00 am
MrD_A        Merry Christmas to you! 

What's in my wallet?  Not a damn thing but that is not a Christmas issue. 

Every time I decide to abandon this ghost town someone else pops in and gives me a little hope.  Its really just me & MsLee who post every week.  I gotta do something to keep this fat @$$ from reverting to the former much fatter @$$    

We don't do the extended family gifting thing anymore.  There are just a few of us around the tree and we talk about what we want so there are no crappy gifts.  Gift cards are for exactly where we like to shop when its best someone purchase an item personally. 

I still have my worst gift ever because of the love that came with it.  A ceramic statue of an old drunk sitting on a stump with a broken foot complete with a removable cane.  We lovingly called him El Viejo something or other.  Pet name long forgotten.  

It was given to me as a wedding, bridal shower or anniversry present by a dear friend with unique taste but I have displayed it proudly for decades.  If nothing else it is a conversation piece. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


Double Ayy
on 12/13/11 10:40 am - CA
Merry Christmas to you too, Hon.

Yeah it's pretty sad how they've all left ya [BAF] alone in the world of OH to fend for yourself.  Everyone's either gone on to Facebook, DailyPlate, or Livestrong, or something or other.

(sigh)  Oh well...    Keep smilin', keep shinin', knowing you can count on meeeeeeeeeee...(I forgot the dayum words.  Again.)

BAF has definitely seen some better days.
MSW will not settle
on 12/14/11 2:07 am

I've defected to other sites too but out there I post in-cog-negro    Its nothing like BAF but through the magic of texting I still keep up and occaisionally meet up eith BAF fam.    The last nail is in the BAF coffin waiting for a hammer. 

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