Hello MSW
It's great to see you still holding the fort down and continuing to stay focused on doing the right thing. Well I've been on FB most of the time and have not visited OH in months but I'm back because I need the tips suggestions, recipes etc that I get from OH. I'm holding my own I've gained about 7 lbs. that I'm working on getting off and I'm still battling the sweet monster but so is life :)
Peace & Blessings to you!
Peace & Blessings to you!
Change is a Process Not an Event
Much Luv MsPC 
Glad you're back even if for a minute. A few folks are dropping in now and then but nothing anyone would call regular. How I miss the way it used to be.
I still post because this fat girl is working on holding it to less fat. More fat is too easily within my grasp.

Glad you're back even if for a minute. A few folks are dropping in now and then but nothing anyone would call regular. How I miss the way it used to be.
I still post because this fat girl is working on holding it to less fat. More fat is too easily within my grasp.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous