Reality week continues Tell the whole truth and be accountable. How well grounded in reality are you? A large part of this episode in our lives is envisioning where we want to be. Have you transitioned this from fantasy into realistic expectations? Have you transitioned this from a magical occurance to practical principles?
The concepts of will power and mind over matter are largely bull**** Virtualy everything will ring true for someone on planet Earth; however, most people will have something in their lives that qualifies an an addiction or compulsive behavior. This is where those encouraging slogans are of no value.
Our head issues are so much stronger than any intellect could ever be. Notice the finger waggers and how quick they are to make the accusation that someone was not "ready" for surgery. What you don't hear from these same folks is how they faced their own demons. Even as some ignite surgery wars, they have stagnated and would qualify for surgery today many years after they would have been expected to reach a healthy weight.
Huh? WTF? So what's my point?
My point is this: Stop listening to the blowhards in your life. Real life or online, those that make the most noise are not likely to be of any value as you ground yourself in reality.
This is a solitary mission. It is introspective. It is personal. It is not about strength or weakness. It is about self knowledge and self acceptance. This is the entrance to your path towards growth.
Guidance exists but how we each modify our behavior is a custom operation. Our reality is as individual a we are. Think about it: How grounded in reality is your behavior today?
...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test (5DPT) website
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings Around the Clock * Information on changing eating behavior
Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF)
The no op version. This version is still severe but far more liberal than the one many pre ops are given.
Daily calorie needs calculator
A more advanced calculator that's still easy to use.
Advanced option lets you choose from 3 different calculation methods. Enter data once for calorie needs at maintenance; plus calorie needs for 2 different levels of weight loss; and, results include a week long calorie cycling plan. Calculator takes into account age and gender as well as activity level. Links to other calculators are on the same page.
Not just for runners. Site has a variety of workout music and music timmed to progressive running programs for 5k, 8k, 10k, and speed. In place indoors, treadmill, or at the track run to the beat and you'll complete the stated distance. There is also a varietty of interval training music from about 130 bpm up to to 180 bpm; and, fixed bpm workout music as well. Lengths of tracts vary but there is a speed/ length to suit most workout needs.
A WORKOUT site to get you started or keep you going
No special equipment is required for this group of progressive workout programs designed for those new to it all and for those wanting to step it up a notch. Perhaps you can only do one or even none today. Perhaps you do quite a few already. Either extreme or somewhere in the middle, this self challenge is stil for you.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
I'm focused on finding a way around my metabolism and back into my "goal" jeans. My options: Creatively find a way to deal with my reality. or Become a miserable blow hard cruising support sites with a pin in search of bubbles to burst and egos to deflate.
Yesterday was a tough one. I had no desire to get the protein or calories in. Normally I love the tiny pouch days but this time I found myself scrambling at the dinner hour with just 40g prot and 750 cal for the day. I missef on the water fot the day too. It was not that I did not eat. Meals were just too low in calories and especially protein.
Fat(g) | Carbs(g) | Fiber(g) | Net C(g) | Prot(g) | KCals |
62.64 | 205.14 | 114.2 | 90.94 | 85.76 | 1576 |
I'm feeling vegetarian today and not in the mood for a shake or two. Something has to give so I guess there will be a high protein fish meal in the mix. Otherwise its protein powder, like it or not. Pushing for 100g of prot today.
on 11/3/11 1:34 am
Last night was so hard for me. I did great all day long and then wham I wanted oatmeal at 10:45. I went into the kitchen I took out the packet of oatmeal, got out a bowl and stood there for a second. I put the bowl away, put the oatmeal away and had one piece of butterscotch hard candy.
Rebecca is eating right, right now and I think having her eat well is making me eat better. ast nigh around 7:00 I wanted frozen yogurt and she said honey are you sure you want it and I said, "Shut Up Fat Girl and mind your own Bypass. LOL. I tend to say that when I want something and she tries to talk sense into me. Don't worry she cusses me out good. So anyway we were walking to the car and we turned around and went back in the house.
So I guess those are two examples of my head trying to get back on track, but as you know Marcia I can be on track one second and then off the next. But here I stand trying yet again.
I will be 20 pounds or as close to 20 pounds lighter by Jan 1, 2012.
I wish I had someone to steer me back to common sense. Trouble is I am so accustomed to suggestions comming at me from a negative perspective that in personal situations it is hard to filter constructive from destructive commentary. Just more baggage.
I would love to have a good example to guide me. Its all too easy to go off the deep end together. (With my DD I have to me the nagging mother's voice of reason.) Imagine if you were both giving in to temptation. Keep following Becca's lead.

on 11/3/11 3:04 am
The past 3 months we have lost our dam minds eating like 2 fat mad chicks, why does WLS mess with your head so badly???? Why???
Now you know our heads were fkcu'd long before wls. We're trying to deal with the reality of our food issues now that the potential life or death physical issues are under control.
Sorry you play off each other's negatives. Sadly that's too typical. The plus is you know you are both fkcu'n up and you are not fooling yourselves. Taking real action is the hard part. It seems that it will always be two steps forward, one step back.