on 10/16/11 10:44 am
on 10/16/11 10:44 am
I don't think I would trip if my doc hadn't had any black patients because our insides look just like theirs. Now if it were plastic surgery on your face and that doc was not use to black skin and how it heals and scars that is another animal.
Otherwise I wouldn't trip, but like Michelle siad, if your not happy with the doctor you should find one you are comfortable with.
Otherwise I wouldn't trip, but like Michelle siad, if your not happy with the doctor you should find one you are comfortable with.
Salty Pickle a.k.a. Lee
What's your gut feeling? Has she done anything to make you feel like she's racist or that she wouldn't be able to perform the surgery w/o being biased? How long has she been doing wls? Though I am curious as to why she told you that you are her 1st black patient. How did that get into the conversation.
Being the only Black patient should not matter if this doctor is a professional. Most important is how this doctor treats you. So far its not looking so good.
If this doc nearly jumped out of her skin I would be concerrned. Her due dilligence may be lacking. How can you entrust your health to someone who may regard Black women as less human than her white patients? Hopefully this is not how she thinks. .
I feel for you in that part of the state. A professional true to the hippocratic oath recognizes we are all human beings period. Hopefully you will find the right pcp.
If this doc nearly jumped out of her skin I would be concerrned. Her due dilligence may be lacking. How can you entrust your health to someone who may regard Black women as less human than her white patients? Hopefully this is not how she thinks. .
I feel for you in that part of the state. A professional true to the hippocratic oath recognizes we are all human beings period. Hopefully you will find the right pcp.
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