Occupy Deez Nutz!
on 10/12/11 11:23 pm - CA
Extra! Extra! Read all about it... Occupy Wall Street is now on a nation-wide tour.
Hmmm... Could this actually be some rogue sect inside the Tea Bagger Movement that has finally decided to splinter itself off from those crazy yahoos and gun nut Libertarians who once felt disenfranchised by the Republican Party ever since rumours began to surface that Rep. Michelle Bachman's hubby is not-so-secretly in the closet and that he likes to dress up in her silky unmentionables when they spend quiet alone time at their ranch with their oodles and oodles of foster chirrens they've collected.
Perhaps this is some grand scheme yet again being cooked up by the mad evil genius Dr. Karl von Rove of Republicansylvania to glamour and woo those fed up less fortunate unemployed undecided voters who put Blackie McBlack-Black into the oval office over to the dark side, only to make a last minute switch on 'em after the election in a colossal "Aha, gotcha sucker!" moment to have the proposed new administration turn their backs on those same depraved souls like they did in the good ol days. You can tell something's amiss when you have the likes of a Hank Williams, Jr. trying to secretly become a political pundit on Faux News getting all angry and uptight because of what he originally thought was just his mispronunciation of "Ness-TAN-YAH-Hoo."
Hey, I'm all for the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, provided that it's being done to raise awareness of what's really gone wrong financially in America and are insistent upon having it fixed - Pronto! However, it would be nice to see a few shining spokespeople emerge from this movement (male, female, White, Black, Hispanic, etc...) and grab the news camera's microphone every once and a while to expound on just what the heck it is that they are marching for in general. Hell, I'd even settle for a hairy tranny with a lilting deep voice and grossly exaggerated makeup interjecting a bunch of off putting "Honey-childs..." and "Miss Things..." each time he/she/it spoke - as long as I got some clear cut talking points to take back to my Neo-Con friends at my company's water cooler. Just list the high points and then go right back to the marching, screaming, and shouting; and the repeated pulling down of your super short mini-skirt so that your junk and man-berries don't show.
Perhaps this movement could be a good thing... but I'm afraid I need more info on it from an actual representative.