on 9/24/11 11:50 am
Filling in for Marcia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>

Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses

Tell the whole truth and be accountable.  Have you counted your blessings this week?  Have you asked yourself if ingratitude has interfered with your goals for good health?  Have you been ungrateful enough to take liberties with your plan?   Liberties that can serve no productive purpose? 

While it will vary by individual, a broad definition of ingratitude would be repeatedly expressing behaviors that if allowed to persist would result in the opposit of your health goals.  The opposit leads us right back where we started. 

Keep moving forward folks.  Be greatful for this opportunty.  Don't waste it.  Have no regrets.  

...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.  

For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test (5DPT) website
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions

Protein Train Instructions

Wagon Plan Instructions

Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings Around the Clock * Information on changing eating behavior 

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF) 
The no op version.  This version is still severe but far more liberal than the one many pre ops are given.   

Daily calorie needs calculator
A more advanced calculator that's still easy to use.   
Advanced option lets you choose from  3 different calculation methods.  Enter data once for calorie needs at maintenance;  plus calorie needs for 2 different levels of weight loss; and, results include a week long calorie cycling plan.  Calculator  takes into account age and gender as well as activity level.  Links to other calculators are on the same page.

Not just for runners.  Site has a variety of workout music and music timmed to progressive running programs for 5k, 8k, 10k, and speed.  In place indoors, treadmill, or at the track run to the beat and you'll complete the stated distance.  There is also a varietty of interval training music from about 130 bpm up to to 180 bpm; and, fixed bpm workout music as well.  Lengths of tracts vary but there is a speed/ length to suit most workout needs.

A WORKOUT site to get you started or keep you going

No special equipment is required for this group of progressive workout programs designed for those new to it all and for those wanting to step it up a notch.  Perhaps you can only do one or even none today.  Perhaps you do quite a few already.  Either extreme or somewhere in the middle, this self challenge is stil for you. 
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
on 9/24/11 11:53 am
Day 4 of my Extreme Fat Smash....  I am in such a freaking snacky mood and all I want to do is eat, eat, eat.   I am so happy I have so much school stuff to do so that I can't sit home all day and eat.

My back has been pretty bad for the past 4 days and it feels like it is finally trying to get better which I am happy about because I am going to kick up the exercise even more.  :)

I have one more snack for the night, it will be 2 dove sugar free candies and a cup of coffee.   I can't wait.  LOL>

How yall do today?
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
MSW will not settle
on 9/24/11 2:08 pm, edited 9/24/11 2:16 pm

Go MsLee smash that fat.  Glad the back is getting betterand you are sticking to program.  Be careful rampint up the workouts.  Protect that back and those knees! 

MSW will not settle
on 9/24/11 2:15 pm, edited 9/24/11 2:18 pm
Thanks and much luv MsLee!          Life's happening and I could not get to my pc.  Lord knows I cannot post from my smart phone or ereader.  Not only does it take forever but it is impossible (at least for me to figure out) to copy over the links etc.   

I have had a mixed few days in my commitment to:
-  Rid myself of unproductive behaviors; and
-  Reinforce behaviors that support life long maintenance
I'm nearing conclusion of round two, 7th to 27th. 

This was never about food.  This was never about exercise.  My focus is on ensuring I conform to those wls basics we all learned at the start.  As we get further out, often times we find ourselves adopting routines that better fit our lifestyles.  However, over the long term it is not the best course of action. 

This is what was happening with me.  However, these are recent developments so it did not take much to get back to basics.  Six weeks to be exact once I conclude this second round.  Where habits are concerned I am there.  I'm not speaking of perfection, simply being mindful of the rules and consistently striving to do the right thing throughout my day. 

So why do I say the past few days were mixed?  I say this because my food choices were poor.  Its not even close to habit.  It was a matter of convenience and a taste for what was easy.  The result was not meeting my needs for extra protein and going way over the carbs. 

As always, calories will even themselves out.  The issue is I could have made a better effort to eat well.  Occaisional junk meals are no big deal.  However, it should not be a junk day; or three junk days; or the junk meal every day.  There has been too much junk this week. 

I stuck with the basic rules but I skipped the other stuff that's good for me.  Its not hard to get the calories right and even keep the protein high while relying on junk food for sustenance.  On the crazy days I need to ensure that I go out of my way to stick with good nutrition.  

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 9/25/11 2:30 am
I hear ya,  it's about trying to get back to sensibility for Becca and myself.  We had gotten so bad over the past few months since we got home.  We were eating massive and I mean MASSIVE amounts of junk food and it was getting scarey.   I think we both knew what we were doing but we were enjoying it and didn't say anything.

We realized it and started saying i'm tired of eating like this because my pants won't fit.  So five days ago we said let's stop this craziness before we are so dam fat we are back where we came from.  So that is what we did, laid down the junk and picked up the vegetabes, fruits, lean, meats, whole grains and on and on........

Yes I decided to go back to Fat Smash because it works for me when nothing else will.  I need another miracle like I had the first time I did this and I know if I stick to it I can have that miracle again.  So here I go on day 5 smashing the fat trying to ungain what my fat ass regained.  I'm so sick of this win lose game. 
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
on 9/24/11 8:46 pm

Hi Ladies, Not too bad this Saturday.  Met with old friends that I had not seen in about 10 plus years so that was a boost to eat right.  The obvious weight loss was complimented so all went well.  The morning was busy and rainy so decaffinated coffee took the place of water. Here's what I ate.

Food Name Amount Unit Cals Fat (g) Carbs (g) Prot (g) Delete
Coffee, decaffeinated fl oz coffee cup (6 fl oz) mug (8 fl oz) grams kg lb oz 5 0.0 1.0 1.0
Creamer liter fl oz cup pint quart gallon tablespoon teaspoon 35 1.5 5.0 0.0
Butter cup tablespoon individual container pat Guideline amount per slice of bread/roll grams kg lb oz 36 4.1 0.0 0.0
Roll, white, soft cubic inch crescent roll foot long frankfurter roll hamburger, hot dog bun, or large roll medium (2-1/2" dia) pan, dinner, or small roll (2" square, 2" high) grams kg lb oz 78 1.2 13.8 2.7
Vegetable combinations (broccoli, carrots, corn, cauliflower... cup grams kg lb oz 28 0.3 6.0 1.4
Crustaceans, crab, blue, crab cakes cake grams kg lb oz 279 13.5 0.9 36.4
White potato, baked, peel not eaten cup oz, raw, yields large (3" to 4-1/4" dia, raw) medium (2-1/4" to 3" dia, raw) small (1-3/4" to 2-1/4" dia, raw) grams kg lb oz 97 0.1 22.5 2.0
Pork chop, broiled or baked cup, cooked, diced oz, boneless, cooked oz, boneless, raw (yield after cooking) oz, with bone, cooked (yield after bone removed) oz, with bone, raw (yield after cooking, bone removed) cubic inch, boneless, cooked large (8 oz, with bone, raw) (yield after cooking, bone removed) medium (5.5 oz, with bone, raw) (yield after cooking, bone removed) small or thin cut (3 oz, with bone, raw) (yield after cooking, bone removed) grams kg lb oz 432 24.8 0.0 48.8
PoweradeZero/32oz serving grams kg lb oz 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
I didn't appreciate the restriction I had until losing it all.  My mind is the only thing keeping me at bay and when it takes a leave of absence..... well u know what happens. 
Marcie and Lee hope we all receive the strength needed to reach and keep the goals we have set for ourselves.  Of course that hope and prayer is for those others that chooose to remain incognito.

 With  I will succeed.
HW: 280 - LW: 190 - GW - 180  
Unfilled 8/15/11 - WT:  209
1st Fill 11/29/11 - WT: 215.5 - 3cc
2/20/12 - New Goal - Get n Onederland
2nd Fill 4/26/12 - WT: 224.0 - 3cc

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