We want stupid! - Saga of a very married man.

Double Ayy
on 9/1/11 12:53 am - CA

Ayy yo,

Convicted child
r@pist and poster boy for two-timing men in America everywhere, Warren Jeffs, was medically induced into a coma earlier this week ordered by prison officials where he is currently being held, in hopes to stave off any success he may have had by trying to die by his own hands via a hunger strike.  Some outspoken bloggers and others suffering from the stench of their own hubris for having the ability to respond to news stories instantly over the internet have outspokenly questioned the government's decision to proceed with such drastic measures to save the convicted so-called pastor. 

Personally, I agree with the government's decision in this case.  I most certainly do.  Hey, I'll even go as far as to say that I think once he is revived from his coma they should put a big screen TV in his cell running nothing but two things over and over: 1. taped news reports of his humilating crimes leading to his conviction and 2. the food network.  I'm talking about a constant loop of the bigtime butter baking queen herself, Paula Dean If I were the man in charge I'd make it my undying mission in life to break his spirit of any hunger strikes, thus making him the hungriest person in the history of prisons or the first person to ever suffer from virtual Type II Diabetes and cyber Congestive Heart Failure.

You see I've had it up to here with all of these self-appointed, self-important so-called spiritual leader idiots of other mindless dummies, who all seem to claim that they themselves talk directly to God; or claim that God, unannounced or invited, speaks directly to them; or claim that God chose them, from a sea the size of a galaxy filled with people, other species, and vegetation, to serve as his intermediary alone. How come none of these guys ever get truly original and claim that God does speak to them, but constantly asks for directions to someone else more enlightened?  You know, like how a car full of people lost in a new neighborhood always seem to ask that lone person strolling along the sidewalk listening to his mp3 player how to get somewhere far away that can't be acheived without an automobile? 

But I digress... 

What really burns me up is reading about how the followers of these self-appointed jack@asses stay so loyal and vigil throughout the trials and tribulations of their king fools.  Jeffs church is believed to have about 10,000 followers, and they all practice of polygamy.  WTF!  Christian Singles and Match.com can never compete with live-in booty, People.  No wonder they market so hard to the religious sect, they know it's just a matter of time before all of those so-called marriages disrupt into utter chaos once one of the women finally express her disgust with the way her 3rd string sister-in-bed/future "Real Housewives of Warren Jeff's" co-star/spouse's spouse/best friend in the whole house is treating their man.

Let's be clear here folks - I don't know how the Amish would handle this sort of "carryings on," but that polygamy stuff would never go on oh so merrily in any of the African-American Christian-based religions.  Oh no!  Never.  Sure you will find so-called playas, P.I.M.P.s, and low-level giggolos juggling 2 or 3 'fine young thangs' here and there; or you might see a few sistas who live by the motto, "**** what's good for the goose is sho' nuff good for the gander!" as they rush off to their next mattress meeting with their husband's bestfriend from work or "Deacon Dreamy Eyes" who whispered a few sweet nothings as she put a fiver in the church collection plate a few Sundays ago - but you'll never see a any practicing parishoners openly engaging in multiple-wifery where erry'body knows about erry'body outright and proper-like.  Sheeeeeeeee-it!  Some things are just better left for the dark and the down-low.  And they wonder why the HIV virus is spreading like soft butter on warm toast.

I firmly believe that when you tamper with some peoples belief systems you ultimately control them in one way or another.  Take, for example, laundry detergent.  That's right I said it - laundry detergent.  If you were told since you were a kid that Tide, in it's powder form, is the best thing for cleaning your clothes then that's what you not only will believe well into your adult lives, but will also feel compelled to tell others that this is the truth because you are a witness.  You'll point to the special message that God (in this case Advertisers, via the TV commercial pulpit) imparted upon you to help deliver the world from dirty clothes.  You'll preach the word of the gospel to the masses of dingy maw-fuggas at the coin-operated laundromats still using packets of no-frills detergent.  You'll testify to the inexpensive cost associated with being as clean as you can be with powered Tide.  Yes, my brothers and sisters, you too can be washed clean and sin-free in the name of powdered Tide.  ...that is until liquid Tide comes along, gathering disciples, and making everyone think, "Hmmm...  Maybe I don't have to continue using the old ways of washing my clothes."  And that is exactly what Jeff's has done with his congregation.  He and others like him have convinced some of their young stupid followers that they to don't have to be ashamed of being in a cattle herd of women vying for the affection and attention of one man openly and carefree.  He convinces them that he has the only solution in his pants to all of life's problems and if they don't fall in line he'll have one of his henchmen tie the poor nekkid unsuspecting child to the bed as he gets newd and begins reciting holy inspired made up nonsense from his "Big Book of Book Learnin' 'n Stuff" as he proceeds to destroy yet another flower in her budding stages of life. 

Try as you may to irradicate these misguided deviants, life Jeffs, as they constantly spring up like a bad case of life-size "Whack-A-Mole" but they'll just keep coming again and again, some more depraved and screwed up than the next (ie. Tony Alamo, Ted Haggard, Eddie Long etc...)  Their followers themselves have the right  to live however they chose to do; I get that, but when it involves children, regardless of whether they are his, or his 15th wives' kids, or some off-spring brought to the world by the partnership of the man-berries of his uncle cousin-brother/baby daddy-in-law and the 'love oven' of his sister-mama-wife, that are being mistreated in this manner then we, as Americans, need to stop turning a blind eye to this cruelty and act to discourage any other Pervy Pastors from ascending to the throne of disgusting behavior and naughty intent.  Save your money; no need for a telethon here.  However, when someone like Jeffs is tried and ultimately convicted, we should contact our local Congressman or Representative and let them know that we want scum like this to suffer horribly and then suffer some more.

on 9/6/11 7:11 am
I understand the general rants about Christian blindly following leadership who are bigger sinners then any of them, but can't lump Mormonism, with Christians, as they are not.  Problem with Mormons, is for a lot of them polygamy may only be 1-2 generations removed & too many still practice it & with Utah being a Mormon controlled state, they haven't done much imo, to make it a practice of the past.

What baffles me is black folks that have joined that cult.  IMO, it's very similiar to joining the KKK, as until very very recently, they taught that WE would not get into heaven & would not let a black person have any type of role or leadership position, other than being a member of the congregation.  The only exception to those rules are that they allow our polynesian brethern to hold leadership positions, since they would be the ones to run their local churches per se.  I personally want to ask Gladys Knight what in the heck is wrong w/her for jumping over to that racist ship!??

Double Ayy
on 9/6/11 10:49 pm - CA

"I understand the general rants about Christian blindly following leadership who are bigger sinners then any of them, but can't lump Mormonism, with Christians, as they are not." 

I don't think that I lumped Christians in with Mormons here.  I merely stated that the sort of behavior involving multiple wives would not occur with African-American Christians as it does with Mormons.  My comparison of Jeffs' with the other pervy pastors, who happened to be Christian is purely coincidental.     

"Problem with Mormons, is for a lot of them polygamy may only be 1-2 generations removed & too many still practice it & with Utah being a Mormon controlled state, they haven't done much imo, to make it a practice of the past."

I agree, but I wonder whether or not the women there in Utah are ever allowed to watch TV.  If so, can't they see that the world thinks that they are completely nuts for putting up with that arcane belief that a man should have many wives.  Am I the only one that sees anything wrong with that?

"What baffles me is black folks that have joined that cult."

AMEN, Sista.  What is up with that?

"IMO, it's very similiar to joining the KKK, as until very very recently, they taught that WE would not get into heaven & would not let a black person have any type of role or leadership position, other than being a member of the congregation."

Oh I see, they welcome your money (via donations) but not you the individual.  Typical cult-like behavior...

"The only exception to those rules are that they allow our polynesian brethern to hold leadership positions, since they would be the ones to run their local churches per se."

Hmmm... I don't know.  Check out Joseph Freeman, Elijah Abel, and Helvécio Martins.

"I personally want to ask Gladys Knight what in the heck is wrong w/her for jumping over to that racist ship!??"

Poor Gladys hasn't been right since she first took a seat at the Baccarat tables in the casinos.  I'll bet she doesn't put up with that polygamy junk even though she's a member.

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