I didn't know
.........that I can run!...........But damnit........let your arse get caught out during your 5 mile walk, and not half way through a thunderstorm rolls in! I thought when it first started to rain...well okay...so I'll be wet, but when that lightening started to pop.....my hiney picked up the pace fast and in a hurry!........
.....Once I finally made it home soaked from my socks and beyond, my back and knees were on fiyah!!......
...Today........it's not so bad after a couple of Tylenol and a hot tub of Epsom salt! As scared as I was running in that storm, it was very challenging, I pushed myself and maybe found out that I have something new to incorporate into my workout regiment. Hey I can run! I NEVER even thought about this before wls, or even two years out.

Run MsD run! Once you get your wind from regular cardio and improved lung capacity so much more is possible. I'm hoping come winter I can push my run outside just to see if I can keep the same pace outdoors as indoors. Congrats!
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
Yeah me!....
I was scared to death of all of that crackling going on around my head, and praying all the way "please Lord don't let me die out here like a fool in this storm!"...lol....I really wasn't winded at all, just the knees and back screaming aw hell to the naw! But I liked it. It was a good workout! Crazy huh?
Thanks MSW!

I was scared to death of all of that crackling going on around my head, and praying all the way "please Lord don't let me die out here like a fool in this storm!"...lol....I really wasn't winded at all, just the knees and back screaming aw hell to the naw! But I liked it. It was a good workout! Crazy huh?
Thanks MSW!