I've come to a conclusion after watching the current crop of reality shows
After watching one or more epsidoes of the following:Jersey Shore, Mob Wives, Jerseyliscous, Bad Girls Club (usually the non blacks are Italian). I've come to the conclusion that Italian American's are just our lighter skinned cousins. Ancesterally, there is a link between us (especially w/Scicillans), but dang, they get it in!! Basketball wives (with the exception of Tammi) seems to be all wolf, whereas, the other aforementioned shows, they don't mind laying on hands. When I see these fights, I always think "now who is stereotyped as ghetto?" Cause, I've seen more Italians fight on these shows in one season, then I have on any of the black reality shows in the last 10 years!
Now speaking of Tammi, I had heard about the infamous fight w/Meeka, but saw the episode last night. Tammi's lame excuse of her defending herself because she thought Meeka was throwing a punch is hilarous, as it clearly shows that she threw the punch AFTER Meeka had her hands down. I had only seen bits of pieces here & there, so didn't know who Meeka was or about her reputation, but I've heard several people say that she deserved it. But, she should have left Tammi alone, cause she's O.G, obvsiously Meeka, didn't see the real world season that she was on, but I guess she's just one of those people that are a glutton for punishment.

MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
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