Freaky Friday:What's your LOVE LANGUAGE?

on 6/17/11 5:30 am, edited 6/17/11 5:33 am

Here's an interesting quiz that helps people understand what's important to them in terms of communicating with others. I took it and it's pretty accurate. It helped me to see why many of my relationships both lovers and friends haven't always worked. They couldn't understand what I needed, and nor did I understand them.

Try it out. and share your results.

Sorry couldn't post the widget. Here's the link.



on 6/17/11 5:41 am

My results:

 Love Language Scores: (12 being the highest score)
4 Words of Affirmation
9 Quality Time
5 Receiving Gifts
6 Acts of Service
6 Physical Touch

Quality Time

In Quality Time, nothing says "I love you" like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes you feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed activities, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.


I'm drawn to workaholics ironically. Which explains why I'm still single.


on 6/17/11 10:56 am
Our scores are very similar :)

My Scores
5 Words of Affirmation
10 Quality Time
3 Receiving Gifts
6 Acts of Service
6 Physical Touch
Your Love Language Quality Time In Quality Time, nothing says “I love you" like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes you feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed activities, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful.

Change is a Process Not an Event

on 6/17/11 12:02 pm, edited 6/18/11 1:55 am

I understand one of my recent worst dates was with a guy who fit all the requirements on paper, but was self consumed.... arrived late, but immediately proceeded to the table while I waited in the car, spent too much time talking about how great he was., after about 15 minutes uttered the dread words, "enough about me tell me about yourself". By that time I'd completely shut down and wanted the check.

on 6/17/11 1:23 pm
Your Scores
8 Words of Affirmation
8 Quality Time
5 Receiving Gifts
2 Acts of Service
7 Physical Touch

On my way!!

on 6/18/11 1:55 am
Interesting results. Do you think it's accurate?

MSW will not settle
on 6/18/11 3:37 am

Not a bad quiz.  When I saw 30 questions I nearly closed the window but it didn't take long. 

Quality time is all me but I think there is s little too much emphasis on acts of serrvice and too little on words of affirmation.  Overall the results are valid. 

6 Words of Affirmation
10 Quality Time
3 Receiving Gifts
9 Acts of Service
2 Physical Touch

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 6/18/11 5:01 am
I felt the same way when I first saw the quiz.  A guy i recently met suggested that I take it. I guess he thought he'd be proactive. Made sense to me.
