BAF Veteran Appreciation Day! (long post)

on 6/17/11 5:19 am, edited 6/17/11 5:42 am

Let's take a moment to show our appreciation for the wls vets who have been holding BAF down. I don't want to start listing names because I may accidentally leave someone out. You know who they are. They are the ones who are there to share their stories, weight loss tips, the ones who push, pull, and motivate us on our journey. Sometimes they lurk, waiting in the back drop until some helpless or near hopeless newbie stumbles across the site. Need us not forget those who are there challenging us with daily accountability posts.

It's been a almost 2 1/2 years since my surgery.  Although I'm not a consistent visitor, each time I'm here I learn something new, restore my sense of hope, or feel challenged to do better.  While many of the old heads are no longer active, those that have remained have recognized that the board is what you make it. 

As the song goes... "I need, you. You need me. We're all a part of God's body. Stand with me. Agree with me... You are important to me. I need you to survive."

So, let's flood the board  with a show of appreciation for the vets who have run the course .

on 6/17/11 8:11 am
Not sure why the shyness, but shout out to MSW will not settle for her daily accountability posts,Mollie, Never GonnaQuit, Poker Chips, So Blessed, and who could ever forget Lee.BTW I have a very bad memory, so if you'er an old school regular don't be offended.  If your an old OG  who has been lurking, we still need you.

on 6/17/11 11:01 am
I share you sentiments and want to thank everyone that has given me tips, support and just hangs around the board to keep it going because it's a tool we all need to continue this journey for the long haul.  THANKS EVERYONE! 

& thanks for your posts Slim :)

Change is a Process Not an Event

on 6/17/11 12:08 pm

Thanks for responding. Facing my upcoming surgery and reflecting on my past , I know the value of experience, love, laughter, and acceptance BAF has afforded me. Be in the moment newbies and appreciate the unique experience BAF offers. If the main board fulfilled all your needs you wouldn't be here. Pay your respects before it's too late. It's the vets who keep the board alive.

MSW will not settle
on 6/18/11 3:44 am, edited 6/18/11 3:46 am
You are too kind MsSlimin08      I've never seen myself as a vet.  I'm still just a "Tween": not a newbie any more and struggling to earn my vet status. 

This week we've had several newbies and several old timers poping in.  Come on out and post people.  It can be wl related or not.  I love that we all learn from each other regarless of where we are as newbies, tweens or vets. 

The BAF family has taught me alot.  I put it to use daily.  Without those lessons who knows where I would be now as I struggle to maintain.   

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


on 6/18/11 1:55 pm
Hey Vet,    Thank You, & Thank you to all the BAF members. This blog is another slice of cake for me. I love I tell everybody that I meet who is having weight loss surgery. This site is competing with FaceBook for my time. Everyday I come to this site to see what the Sisters and a few Brothers have for me.  I look forward to the" bought sense"  that the Vets have earned .............................. That means I won't have to try that s_ _t!!   You've already tried it for me.  My husband was in the military for 21 years, So I don't meet no strangers................AND  I'm from Mississippi!   So SHOUT OUT to you guys who waited around for me to make this journey. Keep checking on Us. Weed do need you. You might not help everybody, But you darn sure will help ?somebody.   "GIVE ME MY CAKE"              Thanks, Sharon    Suregery date 6-27-2011  

P.S. I think I get more confidence when I see someone who looks "like" me doing the damn thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 IN IT TO WIN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


on 6/18/11 11:26 pm
Thanks for the luv Sharon. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery. Keep coming back and feel free to share. BAF is not just about weight loss, but provides a slice of life, pardon the pun. lol.
