Okay ... I know I am wrapped totally old and totally goofy but that is just me... I have read about reaching sweet spots which unless I am mistaken I am assuming it is a point of comfort or a point of what works best for the person ... so in my old dufus mind I am wondering .. can I apply this sweet spot to hair ... i.e. MY hair ...
Yup... I have a thing with hair ... always had since an infant I guess ... having shaved brows and hair and bangs and beyond multiple times growing up some of which landed me with a visit from the Ambassador (dad's belt) used by mom to stripe my hiney ... but it never went away ... the thing I have for HAIR... I styled my dolls hair to the point where they either had no hair at which point I made them hair with yarn or dyed cotton....
As an adult my love for dolls progressed to me making dolls and fashioning them with human hair or high grade synthetic hair .. using commercial parts and making bodies out of fabric and stuffing with poly-fill ..

Love my dolls...
Then back in 2001 my BFF and I decided to pool our cash and talent and open up our very own braiding/weaving shop ... and we did ... I do weaving/braiding only when we are short or in a crunch and I have the time since I have a full time job... So it did not matter my size ...or age... I have been rocking extensions long, braided, weaved or mid length since as far as I can remember....

I used to rock my hair really really long ... I used to try to cover my caboose I guess....

and I rocked it in all colors too...
I loved long dark weaved extensions at my biggest ... I loved concealing my double D tatas that have gone totally buh-bye now and I loved concealing my big caboose that I still have but but but... that is another story... I did this comparison collage a year or so ago ... with my long hair extension in my before picture hiding my tetas.. and my hair spiked minus any extensions...

So I rock my hair in all shades of the rainbow and all lengths incorporating extensions .... either weaved or sewed in and I have oftentimes used lace frontals too... especially in the summer when I frequent my shop especially around holidays because long hair rocks the register LOL ..
I like short hair but I have a big nose and ears ... after a few days with it short I feel something is missing ... I need the weight of the extensions and I feel I need my neck covered ... so here I go again and I weave my hair back or I clip in extensions...
So I would post a picture looking like this... then get creative and clip in extensions to the side to make the same style a bit asymmetric ... then I would come home and weave it again long...

I have even gone can we say drastic???

SO MY POINT IN ALL THIS LONG GOOFY MESS IS... IS THERE ANYTHING AS A SWEET HAIR SPOT ... WELL ... I THINK MY GOOFY VARIABLE SELF WHERE HAIR IS CONCERNED FINALLY FOUND ONE ... THIS IS THE LONGEST I HAVE WORN MY VERY OWN WITH '0' EXTENSIONS MAN-CROPPED HAIR ... MY SON DID MOST OF MY CUT AND EDGE-UPS WITH HIS BARBER SCISSORS AND CLIPPERS ... WOOT WOOT AND I LET HIM ... I figured he needed practice in UNISEX hair ... it made him feel good that I trusted him ... and I figured out I had nothing to lose ... my extensions are never too far from my weaving needles and threads... I wanted it practically scalped and in a 'V" in the back but he was afraid to go too low and 'tick' his panamaniac mom or should I say 'his purse' off LOL....
Me driving by the outreach this a.m. on way to work still with my man-head .. big nose and ears exposed ... but I am FINALLY settling into the feels of air on my head ... no heavy extensions and freedom on my neck ... I HOPE IT LASTS AND LASTS ..... I hope I can keep it styled like this... I guess I will have KenKen my DS clip as it grows ... all I did was put a bit of kiddie relaxer in it to tame the waves down a bit ...and it is working well in the pool... at Bikram and even the gym ...

and I can honestly say I like it...after my DS has really worked on it at my directions ... I was trying to get is much shorter in the back and in a "V" but he did not want to go any closer because he 'knows how I get' his words not mine...

And this is my entry in my digital journal A Picture A Day Keeps the Pounds and the Inches Away ... see the before???? long long microbraids ... and now I have a man-head and loving it....

Having a totally stressful day already ... but I am not going to worry ... I am going to be HAPPY ... I wrote this early this morning and am just now getting around to post it .....
Thanks for allowing me to share ... hey ... I did a GOOFY ALERT LOL... Tomorrow is my
..."there is misery and joy in equal parts in this world. Misery will find us if we make ourselves a target. Joy is just waiting for us to acknowledge it. I find joy every day in all parts of my life and I just let it happen to me. Misery is there but I'm sure as hell not going to invite it in"..... Finigan....
Yup... I have a thing with hair ... always had since an infant I guess ... having shaved brows and hair and bangs and beyond multiple times growing up some of which landed me with a visit from the Ambassador (dad's belt) used by mom to stripe my hiney ... but it never went away ... the thing I have for HAIR... I styled my dolls hair to the point where they either had no hair at which point I made them hair with yarn or dyed cotton....
As an adult my love for dolls progressed to me making dolls and fashioning them with human hair or high grade synthetic hair .. using commercial parts and making bodies out of fabric and stuffing with poly-fill ..

Love my dolls...

I used to rock my hair really really long ... I used to try to cover my caboose I guess....

and I rocked it in all colors too...
I loved long dark weaved extensions at my biggest ... I loved concealing my double D tatas that have gone totally buh-bye now and I loved concealing my big caboose that I still have but but but... that is another story... I did this comparison collage a year or so ago ... with my long hair extension in my before picture hiding my tetas.. and my hair spiked minus any extensions...

So I rock my hair in all shades of the rainbow and all lengths incorporating extensions .... either weaved or sewed in and I have oftentimes used lace frontals too... especially in the summer when I frequent my shop especially around holidays because long hair rocks the register LOL ..
I like short hair but I have a big nose and ears ... after a few days with it short I feel something is missing ... I need the weight of the extensions and I feel I need my neck covered ... so here I go again and I weave my hair back or I clip in extensions...
So I would post a picture looking like this... then get creative and clip in extensions to the side to make the same style a bit asymmetric ... then I would come home and weave it again long...

I have even gone can we say drastic???

SO MY POINT IN ALL THIS LONG GOOFY MESS IS... IS THERE ANYTHING AS A SWEET HAIR SPOT ... WELL ... I THINK MY GOOFY VARIABLE SELF WHERE HAIR IS CONCERNED FINALLY FOUND ONE ... THIS IS THE LONGEST I HAVE WORN MY VERY OWN WITH '0' EXTENSIONS MAN-CROPPED HAIR ... MY SON DID MOST OF MY CUT AND EDGE-UPS WITH HIS BARBER SCISSORS AND CLIPPERS ... WOOT WOOT AND I LET HIM ... I figured he needed practice in UNISEX hair ... it made him feel good that I trusted him ... and I figured out I had nothing to lose ... my extensions are never too far from my weaving needles and threads... I wanted it practically scalped and in a 'V" in the back but he was afraid to go too low and 'tick' his panamaniac mom or should I say 'his purse' off LOL....
Me driving by the outreach this a.m. on way to work still with my man-head .. big nose and ears exposed ... but I am FINALLY settling into the feels of air on my head ... no heavy extensions and freedom on my neck ... I HOPE IT LASTS AND LASTS ..... I hope I can keep it styled like this... I guess I will have KenKen my DS clip as it grows ... all I did was put a bit of kiddie relaxer in it to tame the waves down a bit ...and it is working well in the pool... at Bikram and even the gym ...

and I can honestly say I like it...after my DS has really worked on it at my directions ... I was trying to get is much shorter in the back and in a "V" but he did not want to go any closer because he 'knows how I get' his words not mine...

And this is my entry in my digital journal A Picture A Day Keeps the Pounds and the Inches Away ... see the before???? long long microbraids ... and now I have a man-head and loving it....

Having a totally stressful day already ... but I am not going to worry ... I am going to be HAPPY ... I wrote this early this morning and am just now getting around to post it .....
Thanks for allowing me to share ... hey ... I did a GOOFY ALERT LOL... Tomorrow is my
..."there is misery and joy in equal parts in this world. Misery will find us if we make ourselves a target. Joy is just waiting for us to acknowledge it. I find joy every day in all parts of my life and I just let it happen to me. Misery is there but I'm sure as hell not going to invite it in"..... Finigan....
Terri D.
on 5/4/11 12:55 am
on 5/4/11 12:55 am
You are rocking the short cut! It looks fabulous on you, but if you're feeling goofy, go for it. It sounds like you have a lot of fun with it, so keep embracing it!!
"Wise men speak because they have something to say, fools speak because they have to say something." Plato "Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you'll be critized anyway." Eleanor Roosevelt |
You are the QUEEN of Hair girl. No one could get me to wear hair of any kind except for braids to add a little volume over 25 years ago. Lord knows people have tried epeatedly. Then you did mine and I am hooked on hair for real now.
I said it before: you are ROCK'N that short do! But you rock all your do's.
I said it before: you are ROCK'N that short do! But you rock all your do's.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
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