OT: "birther" and DT

on 4/27/11 10:23 pm

I am at the highest degree of pisstivity! President Obama is a better black person than I am.  I would not have released anything! I would have tried not to show just how black I am and resisted say "FU and the horse you rode in on" because that is a saying we all tend to know. I know someone is going to say something about it today (I work with a lot of haters) and I am going to work hard to bit my tongue due like getting a paycheck the regular and liking my job most days.

on 4/28/11 12:27 am
I totally agree.

I'm trying not to even think about this, because I am at work, and if someone says the wrong thing...I may not be responsible for my words.

SMH and giving a major side eye to all of this BS!
on 4/28/11 12:57 am
This is just racism 2011! They do very thorough background checks for presidential canidates & best believe even with that ole John & Hilary did some extra special digging on their own, so if there was an real issue about his citizenship, they would have been the ones to bust him out & rally their followers.

He shouldn't have produced anything, imo when the State of Hawaii released his birth certificate, that was it should have became a non issue. I would believe a state produced vital record that is on file over an individual's any day, as that's the one that can be doctored.

Highly doubt if this will shut the birthers up. This is hate at it's zenith.
MSW will not settle
on 4/28/11 2:02 am
This is the usual racist white supremicist bull****  Why is anyone surprised?  We learned in what the 3rd grade that to be President of the United states you must be born in the US of A and at least 35 years old.  Yeah, we're going to let a Black man slide on that one. 

"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on." is my personal motto.  I say double **** every damned white supremicist world wide. 

We'd better get off our asses right now so we do not repeat the losses of last election.  The teabaggers are working hard.  We've got to work overtime.  There was no reason to have loss control if the legeslature except for our own foolishness.  Now we watch as positive change back slides to the butthole bush days. 

No waiting until 2012.  The reality of this neo racist republican highbryd has to be spread throughout America.  Our own American brand of follow right winged talk radio in ignorance like sheep will be our national down fall if we let it. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

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