A kettlebell workout is NO JOKE!!!
I reasoned to myself that I would not want to buy more than one, and since I fancy myself strong & fairly fit

Wow, it's a SERIOUS workout!!!

I have a new addition to my fitness program.

on 3/1/11 4:03 am
The last time I did kettlebells I almost hit Becca with it. LOL. I was flaling it around and all into it and she came walking by to sit down and I almost hit her smack in the side of the head.
I like kettle bells ok, but don't do it to often. Maybe i'll incorporate it back into my rotation. I am starting to get a little sick of Taebo at this point.
I purchased my first kettle just over a year ago - I used the DVD that came with it, then bought other workout DVDs and a book. Most recently, I purchased the Kettleworx DVD pack - and lemme tell you - it is THA TRUTH!
I love them - the definintion and overall workout is serious!!! I have a 10lb and a 15lb kettlebell - I have a weak right shoulder, so some exercises I use the 10lb to avoid injury.
Enjoy the workouts!!!
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