MSW will not settle
on 2/26/11 11:41 pm

Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses 

Tell the whole truth and be accountable.  What kind of week have you had?  What kind of weekend are you having?  Do your week and your weekend support your objectives? 

 ...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.

For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test (5DPT) website
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions

Protein Train Instructions

Wagon Plan Instructions

Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings Around the Clock * Information on changing eating behavior 

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF)
The no op version.  This version is still severe but far more liberal than the one many pre ops are given.   

Daily calorie needs calculator
A more advanced calculator that's still easy to use.   
Advanced option lets you choose from  3 different calculation methods.  Enter data once for calorie needs at maintenance;  plus calorie needs for 2 different levels of weight loss; and, results include a week long calorie cycling plan.  Calculator  takes into account age and gender as well as activity level.  Links to other calculators are on the same page. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


MSW will not settle
on 2/26/11 11:54 pm
Mid week I was where I needed to be to close out the month right on track.  Weekend, well...  not quite.  I'm not sure exactly where I stand but will likely need to consume no more than two sf drink mix singles and water tomorrow if I want to maintain my averages. 

I fell face first into pastry.  Danish, cinnamon rolls, crumb cake, cheese cake, rum cake.  They have become meal replacements.  Given most meals are about 300 calories and pastries tend to be much higher, these 'meals' automatically place me out of bounds.  Not to mention what the carbs are doing to my waistline etc.  

As of this minute I'm back on protein and veg only.  Its too late for breakfast but not for the rest of the day.  I still have to add up the days I did not track.  I kept a running list.  Not knowing will not fool anyone especially me.  If I'm bad I need to know exactly how bad.    Time to stop acting the fool. 
on 2/27/11 2:52 am
Marcia,  yep it is time to let go of those dam danish and yummy **** that I can't eat and get back to meat and veggies.   There is something magical in that formula.  LOL. 

I can't believe March is here in a matter of days.  OH LORD!!!!   I am a wreck,  but i'm going to stick to my plan working out 2 hours a day,  I dropped off the extra half hour because I count the sit ups as time now.  

Oh speaking of sit ups, Holy Crap my stomach has shrunken so much and it is totally noticable.   I even wore a muscle shirt the other day, the kind that is tight so that it shows off your muscles,  well you could almost see my little 4 pack under it.  :)   But you know my shy ass had a hoodie on top of it.  LOL.   I wish I could get pass that.

March 1st, i'm going to start doing more Taebo workouts and less of these little sissy ass dance ones that are getting on my nerves.   Billy Blanks is so dam ugly I keep going just so it can finish and I don't have to look at him, but i'm starting to really like his little talks after the workouts. 
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee

on 2/27/11 5:21 am
SHY? I can understand being shy and needing to grow out of it. I have been shy all my life and I don't want to be shy anymore. You work hard for them abs..show them off. I am working on leaving the house without a coat or hoody. When I was younger I would wear a jacket to school even on the hottest days. I know kids thought I was crazy, but I was so self-conscience about my body because I had huge breast. Eventually I just got huge all over and I felt like I was hiding all the weight, but I just made myself look bigger. I lost weight and had to train myself not to wear the jackets still. It was uncomfortable at first, but then it got easier. I felt normal without my jacket. Now I have to do it again. I remind myself that I have come a long way with this weight lost, but  I still feel like its not good enough. I see all the flaws. I say all this because you have worked so hard. You can get pass it. At first you will be out of your comfort zone, but you will overcome that.
on 2/27/11 7:41 am
I hear ya Slimming,  but i'm like that with everything, and God forbid someone comments that I look nice with something on, that is a instant message for me to cover my ass up.   Same thing with my hair, that is why I never wear it down, cause the first time someone says something bam,  i'm bout to go wa**** back curly and put it in a bun.

I honestly don't know where this came from in me.  I just feel like I don't need that attention but i'm going to work on it because I promised Becca I would and I try to stick to my word for her but it's really hard for me.

Just part of my mental issues.  LOL
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
MSW will not settle
on 2/27/11 5:57 am
You have inspired me two up my sit ups from 100 crunches/ 100 reverse crunches to 200 each. Split throughout the day of course. I just know you have a slamming shape you keep hiding. You see I got zero shame and post in my drawers any old time. Most folks have better sense than me but you are the other extreme. Get some leggins, a good sports bra and tank top with a little lycra or compression and take some pics. You will get such a thrill from what you really look like. Especially when compared to most women even ten years younger than our age group. Even life long skinny broads don't have your assets. Show your stuff girl. Be proud of what you got. Shy my ass. Most women only wish they had your physique.
on 2/27/11 7:45 am
I don't even really know if shy is the proper word for it MSW.   I try to think back if I was molested or something as a kid that has me like this because it really doesn't make any sense.  

But when I get where I want to be,  I am really going to try to stop dressing 2 sizes to big at least a few times a week.

Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
on 2/27/11 1:58 am
 Whazzzuppppp??!!!!!  LOL

I just got in from my 5 mile run - it went smooth - I think I have finally mastered the pace demon.  I did a full 10K last weekend without getting cement legs and did today too - but I didn't put down the full 10K because I did weights yesterday morning, Sat is usually my rest day. 

Anyhoo - I'm about to soak my legs in the tub and listen to music - it's chill afternoon starting in 5...4...3...2....

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

MSW will not settle
on 2/27/11 5:36 am
I'm being a hater Ms#1MM and if I had my pc I'd insert that smiley that morphs to an alien and also subs as my green eyed monster. MsLee got me on that h210k three times a week for almost 6 mos now but with my broke down body I'm running it indoors still. So yes I am extremely jealous and not ashamed in the least to say that here is where I'd insert the smiley with the toung out making the devil horns at you if my phone could do smileys. You keep running girl and I'm a keep hating while not so secretly proud of you. As soon as I get a 'guardian' to monitor my run so I don't land un noticed in some ditch I will switch from hating to gloating. That is provided I can actually run h210k on pavement vs tile and wood. If not I'll just insert that smiley hiding under the chair. Keep running girl and remind us we can all get running to some. Degree.

on 2/27/11 5:06 am
Computer is broken and had to get a new one. I have been missing a lot of discussions. I have also been without my cell phone for about a month or so. My hubby got me a new one and I am happy, but now I don't have my contacts anymore...LOL. Last couple of days I have been off plan. Friday was not as bad as Saturday, but today I must get back on track. I had some thai soup yesterday. I planned to only eat partial, but I end up eating the entire 32 ozs costing me 1500 calories. I went way over in calories. Friday was bad because I received some girl scout cookies. I never puschased them before and I noticed the calories were not too bad if you stick to one serving. I figured I would have one serving and before I know it I had three. Nobody told me how good those little cookies are. Devils food for sure. Good thing I only purchased two boxes. If I had known how good I would if only placed an order for one. I tried to get the kids and hubby to help eat them before I ate two boxes on my own.
A couple more days and it will be time to take my exercise to the next level. I promised to do an hour a day for the month of march. I completed Feb. With 6 days 45 mins minimum. I am very proud. I can see results from all the hard work. I am not losing a lot of weight, but I am toning and that is what I think is important. The scale does not make or break me anymore because I can see the hardwork in the mirror.
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