Respect your triggers.
Weight Loss Surgery Support:
Daily Inspiration for February 22, 2011
Katie Jay, MSW
Respect your triggers.
Maybe you let your son buy chips at the store yesterday. Or you have eaten at restaurants more often lately. Did you offer to bake something to bring to a party--something you know will trigger food cravings in you? Once on the road to recovery, you may feel that you can handle more temptations. Sometimes you can. And sometimes allowing your food triggers to creep back into your life is a recipe for disaster.
Your triggers are a part of you and must be acknowledged and respected. Obesity is a deadly disease, and you have it, whether you are thin or heavy. It's time to gently tell yourself, "No." There are some foods you just can't be around safely. Staying away from a trigger food is a one-day-at-a-time challenge. But you can do it.
Action for the day: Make an honest list of your trigger foods. Are any of them in your house? Ask a friend to help you get rid of them now. It will never get any easier. Not even after you've gained 10 pounds. So do it now.
© 2009, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
Knowledge is power. Thanks for this bit of ammunition.
Keep pressing forward.