Had to put my dog to sleep, but the cruelty was unbearabe
on 1/19/11 3:18 am
on 1/19/11 3:18 am
I know, I feel like I betrayed him when he needed me the most. I keep thinking that in his mind he was crying out for me to help him and it was to late.
He had such a good life, I'm talking a great life and I just HATE that it ended like that, especially after having been sick.
He had such a good life, I'm talking a great life and I just HATE that it ended like that, especially after having been sick.
Salty Pickle a.k.a. Lee
Lee, you did not betray him. You did not know. Its like making a right turn in your car thinking you have the right away & its safe and someone slams and hits you from the side. In this case, you would not to be blamed for the accident. You did not foresee it happening. Even though he might have experienced some pain at the end...its no where near the amount of pain that he would have continued to experienced should he have not been put to sleep regardless of the method. He was well loved and taken care of. He was not left to fend for himself as a stray or suffer the abuses that many dogs go through every day of their lives. He was loved so please give yourself credit for being there for him all these years. I am praying for your comfort at this time of loss. My heart really goes out to you.
on 1/19/11 4:16 am - oklahoma city, OK
on 1/19/11 4:16 am - oklahoma city, OK
OMG Lee........................that is horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................I can imagine how you felt during this whole ordeal. That's just so sad!
I imagine it's difficult for you to get that out of your head .yes, and by all means ....REPORT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so cold!
My dog is 9 years old and I love her so much..............and dread the day if I ever have to have her put down..................

My dog is 9 years old and I love her so much..............and dread the day if I ever have to have her put down..................
~I Am Worthy~
on 1/19/11 9:43 pm
on 1/19/11 9:43 pm
~~~~ Awww Lee... I'm soooo sorry for you, Becca & her Mother.. to witness something like that is horrible. I have a chihuahua, his name is Super and we (our whole fam) love him like if he was a human.. he's so much a part of us.. and I'm sure your Paco was as well. My heart goes out to you guys.. .and yes, I would report his azz IMMEDIATELY!! If ever the day come for us to put Super down, I pray to be swift and nothing like that. I'm sooo sorry! ~~~~~ ((((hugzzz)))) Nett
I did a little research for you and found out that the method he used is known as the heart stick method. Some veterinarians do use it despite the fact that The American Medical Veterinary Association advises against its use. Even they rule it as inhumane euthanasia. I know you are in pain so I debated on whether I should share this info with you but I feel that you need to know so that you can take action against the veterinarian if you chose. He was WRONG WRONG WRONG in using that method!!! He should at bare minimum had informed you of the procedure so that you could have made an informed decision as to whether you would use him or not. Apparently, the reason why he had to stick your dog so many times is because its repeated until he actually hits the heart. In other words, the previous times were mistakes.
Lee, the only thing that I can say to offer you some solace is that Paco knows that you loved him. I have a dog so I know that they know love. Hes at peace now.
Please report the Vet to the Veterinarian Medical Board, The Veterinarian Medical Association and the Better Business Bureau, Yelp and anywhere else you can think of. He need to be made accountable so that no one else hopefully has to experience that again.
I did a little research for you and found out that the method he used is known as the heart stick method. Some veterinarians do use it despite the fact that The American Medical Veterinary Association advises against its use. Even they rule it as inhumane euthanasia. I know you are in pain so I debated on whether I should share this info with you but I feel that you need to know so that you can take action against the veterinarian if you chose. He was WRONG WRONG WRONG in using that method!!! He should at bare minimum had informed you of the procedure so that you could have made an informed decision as to whether you would use him or not. Apparently, the reason why he had to stick your dog so many times is because its repeated until he actually hits the heart. In other words, the previous times were mistakes.
Lee, the only thing that I can say to offer you some solace is that Paco knows that you loved him. I have a dog so I know that they know love. Hes at peace now.
Please report the Vet to the Veterinarian Medical Board, The Veterinarian Medical Association and the Better Business Bureau, Yelp and anywhere else you can think of. He need to be made accountable so that no one else hopefully has to experience that again.
on 1/20/11 12:58 am
on 1/20/11 12:58 am
Thanks Lisa
Thanks for looking it up. I looked yesterday myself and found out that it is a cruel barbaric way to put an animal to sleep and it just made me feel like crap reading it especially after having such a good life.
I am trying my best to get his paniced look out of my head but man it is really hard.
Becca mom called me yesterday crying, we decided not to tell anyone in the family.
Thanks for looking it up. I looked yesterday myself and found out that it is a cruel barbaric way to put an animal to sleep and it just made me feel like crap reading it especially after having such a good life.
I am trying my best to get his paniced look out of my head but man it is really hard.
Becca mom called me yesterday crying, we decided not to tell anyone in the family.
Salty Pickle a.k.a. Lee
I had to put my furbaby down last year after his kidneys failed. He was wrapped in a blanket and given one shot. I was there (I'm crying as I type this) but it looked like he just went to sleep. She checked his heart and told us that he was gone. It was very peaceful.
Do you want me to fly out there and help you whoop some DVM arse??? Now that is just so wrong. Put him on blast!!!
I had to put my furbaby down last year after his kidneys failed. He was wrapped in a blanket and given one shot. I was there (I'm crying as I type this) but it looked like he just went to sleep. She checked his heart and told us that he was gone. It was very peaceful.
Do you want me to fly out there and help you whoop some DVM arse??? Now that is just so wrong. Put him on blast!!!
on 1/20/11 2:04 am
on 1/20/11 2:04 am
Sorry about your furbaby Wonkad. I had my Bear Bear get killed 2 years ago and it like to kilt me, i'm still not over that and now I have to deal with a cruel ass vet.
He is a really old Asian man, it's him and his wife that run the shop. A lot of people go to him because he has decent prices, but never, ever, again. Becca mom also said she will never step foot in that place with her dogs again either.
Salty Pickle a.k.a. Lee