Had to put my dog to sleep, but the cruelty was unbearabe
on 1/19/11 2:00 am
Hi Guys
After being sick for many months I finally had to have my dear Paco put down yesterday. Now it is haunting me so badly because of the cruel way it was done. I feel so terrible that after loving and caring for him for 13 years that he died so brutally.
The doctor gave him a shot to paralyze him and then he listened to his heart and before I knew it he started plunging this huge needle into his heart 12 times he did it and blood came up through his chest fur and I was in such complete shock because my dogs eyes looked so scared. I held his head and kept saying I love you, i'm sorry so that my face and voice would be the last thing he saw.
I went in there thinking he was going to be given an iv and before I could say boo he is killed like that. I was so freaking pist. Becca's mom was with me and she started screaming and crying saying how can you do this so cruelly to the vet.
I can never tell Becca this, I just told her that he went peacefully and my eyes were the last thing he saw.
I am going to report this dam vet and put a negative comment on Yelp about him.
I miss my Paco.
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=31086343&l=3e90503a43& id=1466742897
on 1/19/11 2:30 am
Yeah he told us that the first shot was to put him in a state of relaxation so that he couldn't feel a thing, and the green stuff that he rammed into his heart was to actually put him to sleep, so in essence he said it was not cruel because he couldn't feel a thing.
Fuck that it was cruel to us witnessing it. I told him if your going to use such a barbaric method then maybe you should warn people or not let people be in the room when you do it.
on 1/19/11 2:33 am
I know the asian culture is different but come the hell on.