Freaky Friday - Sex Questions content
I ran across an article posted on and thought I would just post the Q&A. Feel free to give your own answers. My answers follow.
Never know ..someone might learn something. No...I will not be taking any questions, Dr. MD is leaving early today and preparing for her weekend rendezvous with her special person. Hope y'all have a freaky weekend too.
1.)Funny Noises During Sex
Q: Sometimes when I'm having sex, my vagina makes a noise like I'm passing gas. It's so embarrassing. What causes it, and how can I prevent it?
A: This noisy emission, commonly referred to as a queef, is air escaping your vagina. "When you're aroused, your vagina expands to allow room for your partner's penis," explains Barbara Keesling, PhD, author of Sex So Great She Can't Get Enough. "His thrusting during intercourse pushes air into you, which fills the space in the inner part of your vagina that has expanded. A shift in body position or a deep thrust can force that air out, resulting in the fartlike sound." It's also possible to queef post****** when air is expelled as the vagina returns to its prearoused state.While making a gassy sound can be mortifying, it's actually common. But if it's getting in the way of your pleasure, try these preventive tricks: First, "Lie on your back and gently press down on your abdomen with the palm of your hand prior to intercourse," suggests Keesling. "This will expel air already present in your vagina." During sex, encourage your guy to make shallow strokes and avoid pelvis-elevated positions like doggie-style, which can increase queefing.
But it's silly to let a little noise restrict your romp. So if you do toot, try to just laugh it off. Any guy worth sleeping with will do the same.
2.) Is Anal Sex Safe?
Q: My guy wants to have anal sex, but that's one act I'm clueless about. Is it safe? What do I need to know?
A: These days, interest in backdoor booty is growing. Due to the prevalence of online *****graphy and the breaking down of sexual taboos, anal sex is no longer considered something only gay guys do. In fact, according to data released in a recent sex survey by the National Center for Health Statistics, one in every three women admitted to having had anal sex by the age of 24.
However, the act still isn't exactly mainstream, so the prospect of exploring this somewhat "forbidden" area can be extremely erotic, explains Keesling, which is another reason why anal sex is becoming more popular. Not to mention the fact that the anus is loaded with nerve endings and can be a pleasure center for both men and women.
Bottom line (no pun intended): If the idea excites you, it's fine to explore. But there are a few key things you should be aware of. Unlike the vagina, the anus isn't self-lubricating or elastic. "The sphincter muscles clench upon contact, making penetration uncomfortable if you're not relaxed," says Keesling. So to enjoy the act, you need to take it slowly, having him insert just a little bit at a time. And be sure to use lots of water-based lube. Finally, even couples in a monogamous relationship must use a condom (free of nonoxynol 9, which can damage rectal tissue) to prevent the spread of bacteria and be sure to replace that condom before switching to vaginal intercourse.
3.) Oral-Sex Secrets
Q: Is there a secret to being awesome at oral sex? I'm not sure if I'm doing it well, and I'm not about to discuss my technique with my friends.
A: Swapping oral sex strategies isn't as easy as, say, trading beauty tips. But the key to blowing your guy's mind (and other parts) is enthusiasm. "The magic ingredient is simply an eagerness to please," says Bader.
So the next time you're going at it with your man, let him know just how bad you want him by making the first move downtown. Confidently kneel between his legs and grip his shaft firmly. Then take him in your mouth and slide your mouth and hand up and down his penis in tandem, periodically gazing up at him or moaning with pleasure.
To really rev up your guy, use your free hand to fondle his testicles gently. And be sure to mix things up: First suck him for a while, then slowly lick all the way up and down his shaft, then use the tip of your tongue to titillate the supersensitive tip of his penis, and so on. Also, stay in tune with his reactions. If a certain lick or stroke makes him moan, repeat, repeat, repeat!
4.) Period Sex
Q: I'm horny when I have my period. Is it cool to have sex, or will I totally gross my guy out?
A: The only way to be sure how your man feels is to ask him. If he's game, stick to man-on-top mode. "Your bleeding may be lighter if you're lying down," says Patricia Taylor, Ph.D., author of Expanded ******: Soar to Ecstasy at Your Lover's Every Touch. But if you vary positions, keep your flow at bay by inserting a menstrual cup (an alternative to tampons and pads that you can buy at a drugstore or online) presex.
Just remember, while there are benefits to doing the deed during your time of the month — some women experience a heightened libido and reduced cramping — it is possible to get pregnant. Plus, "There is an increased risk for pelvic infection and HIV due to the presence of necrotic tissue (the uterine lining that is being sloughed off)," warns Taylor. Translation: Use a condom.
5.) Down-There Care
Q: I worry about how I taste and smell when a new guy goes down on me. Is there anything I should do about it?
A: "Women often worry about how they taste and smell," says Keesling. "Which is ironic, since many men are actually turned on by the natural aroma of their partners."
However, even if your man thinks you smell as sweet as a rose garden, you won't be able to enjoy his effort fully if you're worried about offending him. But instead of reaching for a vaginal deodorant, which can irritate your vaginal tissue, your best bet is to wash your below-the-belt region with soap and water before sex. Or, why not take a shower or bath together as part of foreplay?
Even if you don't suds up first, try to relax and focus on all the body-tingling sensations of your man's mouth moves. Because if he voluntarily heads downtown and stays there, he's most likely not offended by your scent. In fact, there's a good chance he loves it.
6.) Changing Positions
Q: When going from missionary to woman-on-top, do most people maneuver the switch while keeping the guy's penis inside? Whenever I try it, my guy pops out.
A: We've all marveled at Hollywood love scenes where the couple tumbles around the bed, swapping positions with choreographed precision. The reality is, sex isn't always so seamless. People knock heads, get tangled up in the sheets and, yes, momentarily disengage. "It can be tricky to change poses in one smooth, fluid movement," says Taylor. "Most couples stop and reconnect."
However, to give the seamless switch-up a shot, start in missionary close to the edge of the left side of the bed. Keeping your right leg straight, wrap your left leg around your guy's waist and hook your left arm under his shoulder. Pushing off with your right arm, keep a firm grip on your guy as you roll him onto his back toward the right side of the bed in one sweeping motion. If he slips out, stick him back in and resume your romp.
7.) Finding the Male G-Spot
Q: I've heard guys have a G-spot, but I have no idea where it is or what I should do with it. Help!
A: The male G-spot is actually the prostate, "a walnut-shaped gland located about three inches inside the anal canal, which swells when he's aroused and secretes part of the fluid that makes up semen," explains Taylor. "When stimulated, the prostate can provide intense pleasure."
One way to tantalize this internal hot spot is to stimulate his perineum, the nerve-centric area between his testicles and anus. "The prostate gland lies underneath the perineum, so applying pressure externally to this stretch of skin can in turn arouse his G-spot," says Taylor. Use your thumb or knuckle to gently knead the area, especially while performing oral sex. As your guy starts to ****** press a little bit harder to really send him into orbit.
8.) What Guys Are Dying to Know
Men are carnally inquisitive too. Here, the hot topics that keep them up at night.
"A buddy told me that his girlfriend *********s when she ******s. Is he pulling my leg?"
—Samson, 29
Because the fluid is expelled from the urethra upon ****** many researchers believe it's a stream of urine. However, others think the mystery fluid is produced by the Skene's glands, located on either side of a woman's urethra, and may be similar in composition to male ********* — minus the sperm.
"What's more important in terms of penis size — length or width? How would a guy compensate?"
—Ted, 27
Because the inner two-thirds of the vagina is not as sensitive as the first third, a longer penis isn't necessarily going to create more pleasure. In terms of width, some women prefer a thicker penis. If you're on the slim side, try flattening out on top of her during doggie-style or try tightly squeezing her legs between yours in missionary.
"Does it gross a woman out if a man kisses her after oral sex?"
—Terrence, 30
While some women are turned off, others find it hot. To suss out your partner's ick factor, read her body language. Work your way uptown, kissing her stomach and breasts, moving closer to her mouth. If she turns her head as you near her lips, abandon kiss. Otherwise, go for it.
My Answers:
1. Yep, I have made a queef...and its a little disconcerting
2.. sign like others says...exit only
3. I enjoy it...and have recently read that chewing breathe mints before hand increases pleasure for both parties...anyone try that and know if its true?
4. None for me...if I want to see a reinactment of the Texas Chain Saw Massacre...I will rent the movie...too gross to even consider.
5.) LOL! Yes...please wash yo funky a@@ before inviting someone to dinner
6.) Hahaha...this sounds like a definite question posed by one of our fairer complected counterpart who has blonde hair. Who cares!!! Roll on over and put that meat back in...LOL!
7.) yeah....that sounds about right.
Never know ..someone might learn something. No...I will not be taking any questions, Dr. MD is leaving early today and preparing for her weekend rendezvous with her special person. Hope y'all have a freaky weekend too.

1.)Funny Noises During Sex
Q: Sometimes when I'm having sex, my vagina makes a noise like I'm passing gas. It's so embarrassing. What causes it, and how can I prevent it?
A: This noisy emission, commonly referred to as a queef, is air escaping your vagina. "When you're aroused, your vagina expands to allow room for your partner's penis," explains Barbara Keesling, PhD, author of Sex So Great She Can't Get Enough. "His thrusting during intercourse pushes air into you, which fills the space in the inner part of your vagina that has expanded. A shift in body position or a deep thrust can force that air out, resulting in the fartlike sound." It's also possible to queef post****** when air is expelled as the vagina returns to its prearoused state.While making a gassy sound can be mortifying, it's actually common. But if it's getting in the way of your pleasure, try these preventive tricks: First, "Lie on your back and gently press down on your abdomen with the palm of your hand prior to intercourse," suggests Keesling. "This will expel air already present in your vagina." During sex, encourage your guy to make shallow strokes and avoid pelvis-elevated positions like doggie-style, which can increase queefing.
But it's silly to let a little noise restrict your romp. So if you do toot, try to just laugh it off. Any guy worth sleeping with will do the same.
2.) Is Anal Sex Safe?
Q: My guy wants to have anal sex, but that's one act I'm clueless about. Is it safe? What do I need to know?
A: These days, interest in backdoor booty is growing. Due to the prevalence of online *****graphy and the breaking down of sexual taboos, anal sex is no longer considered something only gay guys do. In fact, according to data released in a recent sex survey by the National Center for Health Statistics, one in every three women admitted to having had anal sex by the age of 24.
However, the act still isn't exactly mainstream, so the prospect of exploring this somewhat "forbidden" area can be extremely erotic, explains Keesling, which is another reason why anal sex is becoming more popular. Not to mention the fact that the anus is loaded with nerve endings and can be a pleasure center for both men and women.
Bottom line (no pun intended): If the idea excites you, it's fine to explore. But there are a few key things you should be aware of. Unlike the vagina, the anus isn't self-lubricating or elastic. "The sphincter muscles clench upon contact, making penetration uncomfortable if you're not relaxed," says Keesling. So to enjoy the act, you need to take it slowly, having him insert just a little bit at a time. And be sure to use lots of water-based lube. Finally, even couples in a monogamous relationship must use a condom (free of nonoxynol 9, which can damage rectal tissue) to prevent the spread of bacteria and be sure to replace that condom before switching to vaginal intercourse.
3.) Oral-Sex Secrets
Q: Is there a secret to being awesome at oral sex? I'm not sure if I'm doing it well, and I'm not about to discuss my technique with my friends.
A: Swapping oral sex strategies isn't as easy as, say, trading beauty tips. But the key to blowing your guy's mind (and other parts) is enthusiasm. "The magic ingredient is simply an eagerness to please," says Bader.
So the next time you're going at it with your man, let him know just how bad you want him by making the first move downtown. Confidently kneel between his legs and grip his shaft firmly. Then take him in your mouth and slide your mouth and hand up and down his penis in tandem, periodically gazing up at him or moaning with pleasure.
To really rev up your guy, use your free hand to fondle his testicles gently. And be sure to mix things up: First suck him for a while, then slowly lick all the way up and down his shaft, then use the tip of your tongue to titillate the supersensitive tip of his penis, and so on. Also, stay in tune with his reactions. If a certain lick or stroke makes him moan, repeat, repeat, repeat!
4.) Period Sex
Q: I'm horny when I have my period. Is it cool to have sex, or will I totally gross my guy out?
A: The only way to be sure how your man feels is to ask him. If he's game, stick to man-on-top mode. "Your bleeding may be lighter if you're lying down," says Patricia Taylor, Ph.D., author of Expanded ******: Soar to Ecstasy at Your Lover's Every Touch. But if you vary positions, keep your flow at bay by inserting a menstrual cup (an alternative to tampons and pads that you can buy at a drugstore or online) presex.
Just remember, while there are benefits to doing the deed during your time of the month — some women experience a heightened libido and reduced cramping — it is possible to get pregnant. Plus, "There is an increased risk for pelvic infection and HIV due to the presence of necrotic tissue (the uterine lining that is being sloughed off)," warns Taylor. Translation: Use a condom.
5.) Down-There Care
Q: I worry about how I taste and smell when a new guy goes down on me. Is there anything I should do about it?
A: "Women often worry about how they taste and smell," says Keesling. "Which is ironic, since many men are actually turned on by the natural aroma of their partners."
However, even if your man thinks you smell as sweet as a rose garden, you won't be able to enjoy his effort fully if you're worried about offending him. But instead of reaching for a vaginal deodorant, which can irritate your vaginal tissue, your best bet is to wash your below-the-belt region with soap and water before sex. Or, why not take a shower or bath together as part of foreplay?
Even if you don't suds up first, try to relax and focus on all the body-tingling sensations of your man's mouth moves. Because if he voluntarily heads downtown and stays there, he's most likely not offended by your scent. In fact, there's a good chance he loves it.
6.) Changing Positions
Q: When going from missionary to woman-on-top, do most people maneuver the switch while keeping the guy's penis inside? Whenever I try it, my guy pops out.
A: We've all marveled at Hollywood love scenes where the couple tumbles around the bed, swapping positions with choreographed precision. The reality is, sex isn't always so seamless. People knock heads, get tangled up in the sheets and, yes, momentarily disengage. "It can be tricky to change poses in one smooth, fluid movement," says Taylor. "Most couples stop and reconnect."
However, to give the seamless switch-up a shot, start in missionary close to the edge of the left side of the bed. Keeping your right leg straight, wrap your left leg around your guy's waist and hook your left arm under his shoulder. Pushing off with your right arm, keep a firm grip on your guy as you roll him onto his back toward the right side of the bed in one sweeping motion. If he slips out, stick him back in and resume your romp.
7.) Finding the Male G-Spot
Q: I've heard guys have a G-spot, but I have no idea where it is or what I should do with it. Help!
A: The male G-spot is actually the prostate, "a walnut-shaped gland located about three inches inside the anal canal, which swells when he's aroused and secretes part of the fluid that makes up semen," explains Taylor. "When stimulated, the prostate can provide intense pleasure."
One way to tantalize this internal hot spot is to stimulate his perineum, the nerve-centric area between his testicles and anus. "The prostate gland lies underneath the perineum, so applying pressure externally to this stretch of skin can in turn arouse his G-spot," says Taylor. Use your thumb or knuckle to gently knead the area, especially while performing oral sex. As your guy starts to ****** press a little bit harder to really send him into orbit.
8.) What Guys Are Dying to Know
Men are carnally inquisitive too. Here, the hot topics that keep them up at night.
"A buddy told me that his girlfriend *********s when she ******s. Is he pulling my leg?"
—Samson, 29
Because the fluid is expelled from the urethra upon ****** many researchers believe it's a stream of urine. However, others think the mystery fluid is produced by the Skene's glands, located on either side of a woman's urethra, and may be similar in composition to male ********* — minus the sperm.
"What's more important in terms of penis size — length or width? How would a guy compensate?"
—Ted, 27
Because the inner two-thirds of the vagina is not as sensitive as the first third, a longer penis isn't necessarily going to create more pleasure. In terms of width, some women prefer a thicker penis. If you're on the slim side, try flattening out on top of her during doggie-style or try tightly squeezing her legs between yours in missionary.
"Does it gross a woman out if a man kisses her after oral sex?"
—Terrence, 30
While some women are turned off, others find it hot. To suss out your partner's ick factor, read her body language. Work your way uptown, kissing her stomach and breasts, moving closer to her mouth. If she turns her head as you near her lips, abandon kiss. Otherwise, go for it.
My Answers:
1. Yep, I have made a queef...and its a little disconcerting
2.. sign like others says...exit only
3. I enjoy it...and have recently read that chewing breathe mints before hand increases pleasure for both parties...anyone try that and know if its true?
4. None for me...if I want to see a reinactment of the Texas Chain Saw Massacre...I will rent the movie...too gross to even consider.
5.) LOL! Yes...please wash yo funky a@@ before inviting someone to dinner
6.) Hahaha...this sounds like a definite question posed by one of our fairer complected counterpart who has blonde hair. Who cares!!! Roll on over and put that meat back in...LOL!
7.) yeah....that sounds about right.
Interesting post and questions
1. We all make them!....But if it's good.......who gives a damn!!
2. I'm with the "for exit only" crew! Not interested!
3. I agree with the answer above. Add to being enthusiastic....endurance. Just like we don't want a 2-minute man... would appreciate more that 20 seconds!................and let's not forget......No teeth ladies....!!.....
4. Yuck!!
5. Just wash your arse!!.....
6. Maybe when I was in my 20's...
7. For real? You guys have one of those too???
Have a great Freaky weekend!
1. We all make them!....But if it's good.......who gives a damn!!
2. I'm with the "for exit only" crew! Not interested!
3. I agree with the answer above. Add to being enthusiastic....endurance. Just like we don't want a 2-minute man...

4. Yuck!!
5. Just wash your arse!!.....

6. Maybe when I was in my 20's...

7. For real? You guys have one of those too???

Have a great Freaky weekend!