Why RNY??
I am a newbie to this board and I wanted to say hi and also ask a question. I read somewhere that we AA have better success with the RNY. Anyone know why?
Today I went to my PCP to follow up on my EGD results (gallstones/h pylori/Gerd).
When I first started researching WLS I started with the band and quickly realized that was not for me. I quickly got intrigued with the Sleeve and started reading everything I could about it.
The doctor told me today that my stomach issues and Gerd would get worse with the sleeve. He said the RNY would be the better operation for me.
As a LW I visually think of Star Jones and Carnie Wilson when I think of the RNY. I am at 40% bmi so yeah I am fat---I guess I thought RNY was better for the bigger folks.
I'm all confused now. If you had RNY what made you choose that surgery? I have heard so many negatives and this is really making me rethink surgery period.
Change is a Process Not an Event
I pasted my answer to a similar question below.
I am also a so called light weight. I do not agree that rny is best for Black people or better for higher bmi's. The best surgery for you depends on your health issues, metabolism, personal preferences, and why you are fat to begin with. I do not see skin color as a factor because obesity exists across color lines.
Celebrity choices are equally irrelevant. There are so called 'lightweights' who choose the more drastic ds. There are those with bmi's over 50 that do well with restriction only and choose an adjustable band.
This is all about which procedure will resolve your health issues. Good luck whatever you do.
First, you will find successes and failures for every surgery type. Look at the negatives and eliminate what you feel you can't live with. What's positive for one person may be a negative for you and vice versa. Ignore the "my surgery is the best surgery" cheer leaders. Often they will not be straight forward and honest about the down sides and failures of their chosen procedure.
Second, confirm your options with your insurance. Even with the same carrier, coverage varies by policy. My insurance covered me for any and all surgery types. I had no issues there.
Here's how my decision for RNY evolved:
I wanted the vsg. Daily I take around 50 pills, none obesity related so they are not going away. My concern was malapsorption of medications and malnutrition in the long term. Also I wanted the larger stomach so I could eat more food at one sitting. I still like to eat.
My surgeon believed I needed some level of malabsorption. I am metabolically challenged. Even post op I struggle to loose and maintain.
The ds was a no go for two reasons. First, the high level of malabsorption is outside of my comfort zone. Any level of malabsorption can result in nutritional deficiencies. Second, I like a full tummy and the larger stomach combined with the greater malabsorption is a recipe for compulsive overeating. I needed to normalize my relationship with food. Otherwise I'll end up right back where I started.
The band was a no go because of the visits required for fills. Also, the unlikely possibility of port issues. Last, band slippage/ errosion were concerns becuse of the large amount of oral meds I take.
I finally agreed to rny about ten days pre-op. It provided more moderate malabsorption which I really did need. The pouch forces portion control, even for grazers at some level. Also, the pouch will get you back when abused by over filling.
While I view dumping as a plus for negative reinforcement, about 70% of rny'ers do not dump. I had a cast iron stomach and now I have a cast iron pouch. When I dump I worked for it and I deserve it.
Last but maybe most important, the limited capacity has helped me to retrain my thinking about portions. Something I would not have gotten from the vsg or the ds. The rny's more moderate level of malabsorption restricts my potential to overeat just because I can get away with it; at least in the begining.
No surgery fixes the head issues that got you here in th first place. In understanding your own issues, you can decide which procedure best promotes positive change. You will also see which procedures will permit you to work around your head issues particularly as a new op when most people will loose the weight no matter what. Just to be bitten in the @$$ down the road when your unwillingness to change catches up to you.
Best of luck whatever you do.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
Now with insurance politics....many will have a BMI requirement of 50 or so but many have won appeals and got the surgery. As long as you qualify for WLS you can get the DS. Also your surgeon may not recommend the DS because he does not preform it.
My bmi was 40 when I had surgery too.
I know that each surgery is not for everyone though and hope all goes well in your search for a surgery types!